7. Alohomora

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the unlocking charm


He had spent all day in the kitchen, gracefully seasoning and cooking a chicken just like his mother had taught him years ago when he said he wanted to learn. Well, all day with the exception of the few hours he had gone to attend a Death Eater meeting with Pansy and Blaise - the Dark Lord was, thankfully, not in attendance.

After the meeting, Pansy and Blaise had gone off to finish some last minute grocery shopping for the dinner he had planned. They returned with more than just bags of vegetables and drinks.

"Draco, look who we found at the manor," said Pansy, a forced smile on her face and a nervous twinge in her voice.

He looked up from what he was doing by the sink, and almost dropped the knife on his toes. There, in his kitchen, stood Theodore Nott.

His eyes widened but returned quickly to their normal size as he scanned the newcomer for any signs of injury. It had been so long since they'd last seen him, and Draco didn't know what to expect. "Theo, how have you been?" he asked, in an attempt at being casual; he was nervous, very nervous.

Theodore Nott was never one for vanity, even though he was handsome. That, he noted, had not changed. He kept his hair messy and slightly overgrown, his eyebrows had cuts in them, and there was a sprinkle of hair lining his jaw. Theodore Nott was different, but he hadn't changed at all.

"I've never been better," responded Theo, and something in his eyes gleamed.

Taken aback, Draco raised an eyebrow. Perhaps it was just the unfamiliarity of the situation, but something felt fishy. His eyes darted to the hallway, where, on the other end that he could not see, was the door to the room where two of the most wanted wizards were sleeping.

Pansy and Blaise busied themselves with putting the groceries away, avoiding looking at Theo too much. It is true that the trio had wanted to find their friend for so long, but when he finally found them, it seemed that there was a broken connection.

When the silence became too much for Draco to handle, he looked up at Theo with a smile and gestured at the kitchen table. "Please sit, Theo. Tell us what you've been up to."

Theo slowly walked to the table, scanning everything on his way, and reaffirming the suspicion Draco had felt. "I've been searching for Harry Potter," he replied, locking eyes with Draco.

It took everything in him not to swallow and look away. He had not been aware that the Dark Lord had assigned someone else to the task of looking for Harry, and he was feeling very angry. He was second-in-command; why was he not the only one assigned to this? Did Voldemort not trust him enough?

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