8. Stupefy

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the stunning spell


"Stupefy," he bellowed the moment Theo appeared at the door.

It had all happened so quickly. One moment, the trio was waiting for the imminent downfall of their current lives as they had come to know them, and then the next moment, Draco Malfoy produced a jet of scarlet light from his wand and stunned his friend to protect the most wanted wizards in the world.

It had all happened so quickly, so much so that Draco was shocked at himself for not killing his friend.

Theo's stunned body dropped to the hardwood floor like a fly, and everyone continued to hold their breath.

"Bloody hell, Draco," remarked Ron, as he slowly made his way towards the stunned Nott.

His heart was lodged in his throat, which is probably why he couldn't feel it beating at that moment. In his mind, the reality of what he had done wrestled against the faint memory of him wishing he were a pacifist, but the former won every time. He wanted to drop the wand in his hand and rush to Theo's side, but the solider within him would never let him go.

Soldiers don't make mistakes, he thought.

Hermione took a hesitant step closer to him, but she was still silent, as if he had stunned her as well. She was watching Ron crouched above Theo, making sure he was still alive. If the situation were any different, Draco would have been watching her with his heart on his sleeve.

Through all of this, Pansy and Blaise couldn't find it in them to say anything. They had seen this happen too many times before, and they had also been on the wrong side of the wand - the side casting the spell.

After what felt like hours of them silently standing around Theo, Draco cleared his throat and finally pocketed his wand. "Let's get him off the floor, Blaise." 

Blaise gave a curt nod, giving Pansy's hand one final squeeze before helping Draco move Theo to the couch that they never used, in the living room that hardly saw any life.

He leaned away from the counter and sighed whistfully. "You're making this harder than it has to be - you cannot leave," he said flatly to an angry Ron.

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