Chapter One - The Funeral

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It all happened so fast... one day we were joking around at home, and the next I was in the waiting room at London hospital. What went wrong? I tried everything, and now I'm here sitting in front of your ashes. Your sisters and mother are here, your father and friends. You were too young. Why didn't you take the golden apple I presented to you on our wedding? We could have been with each other for eternity if you hadn't of been so stubborn. You didn't want to leave everyone behind, I understand, but you left me the moment you chose to stay mortal... By Odin you were only forty five! You left me too soon Thomas, too soon...

"We are here today to remember a remarkable man, Thomas William Hiddleston. He was loved by many and I have here, a list of things he wanted said at his funeral..."

Loki couldn't take his eyes off of the urn that he and tom had picked out before he died. It was back with gold rimming. It had reminded tom of Loki. There were also baby blue vines wrapping themselves around the urn. Loki had seen that as Tom. His Tom, who would always wrap himself around him.

"Now it says here that 'he wants everyone to stop crying and have a good time.'"

People chuckled sadly as they heard those words. Loki did not. He continued to stare at the remains of his husband.

"Something for my husband Loki..."

Loki raised his eyes to look at the priest as he heard his name. the priest smiled at him and read on.

"'knowing you darling, you are probably ignoring everyone and saying horrible things to our friends." There was a chuckle among the others.

"But know this. Doubt thou the stars are fire, doubt that the sun doth move. Doubt truth be a liar, but never doubt my love."

Loki chocked back a sob as the heard those words. He didn't hear them in the priests voice, he heard them in toms. Toms mum can over to him and wrapped her small arms around him. Loki held on to her tightly. She had helped him so much through this tough time. Loki's family couldn't be there because of things going on in Asgard.

While hugging toms mother he looked over her shoulder towards the urn. He saw his tom standing beside it, giving Loki a soft, sad smile. To Loki, everyone else in the room disappeared and the only person that mattered was tom.

He thought back to their last conversation before things went downhill.

"Do not anger me Thomas!"

"What did I do Loki? I merely told the Allfather that we don't wish to live here. He never liked me or my family because we are midgardians and all of a sudden he wants us to move to Asgard? I'm not having it."

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