Chapter Six - The Last Letter

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Thor ended up staying with his brother for a week before Thor was called back to Asgard. It took a while but Thor convinced Loki to come to Asgard with him. As they stood in the middle of the street a mild wind started to blow. Thor called out to the gatekeeper. “HEIMDAL OPEN THE BIFROST!” the wind picked up fiercely, a bright light surrounded them and the whizzing sound of the BiFrost was heard as they were sucked off of the ground and pulled to Asgard.  They arrived in the BiFrost and nodded to Heimdal as they walked down the rainbow bridge.

This had been the first time since Tom died. Now there golden walls of the palace seemed dull, like Tom's hair after he was cursed. The happy commoners and staff seemed to be drowned out and it all sounded muffled. Once Frigga saw her sons she smiled and went towards Loki. She hadn’t seen him since he and Tom left, Heimdal had been informing them on what happened.

They walked around the palace until they came across Lady Sif and the Warriors Three at the training grounds. Loki wasn’t as close to the warriors as Thor was but he didn’t mind them. Loki liked Volstagg as he was very family orientated; he was tall and quite large in the stomach area. He had long ginger hair and was very jolly. He had a very pretty wife and many adorable children. Hogun was very distant and quiet but he cared for his friends. Hogun is from Vanaheim so he is quite a long way from home. Sif, Sif and Loki have had their disagreements over the past two hundred years but she was always very supportive of his and Tom's relationship. Then the last warrior was Fandral. Loki and Fandral had sort of a fling in their adolescence. Nobody knew about it but even when it ended they were on good terms. Zac was the human doppelganger of Fandral, except Fandral had blonde hair and facial hair instead of dark brown. He still had the same warm brown eyes as Zac though. Fandral was notorious for sleeping with most of the inhabitants of Asgard but he and Loki knew that that was just a rumour that led people to start calling him ‘Fandral the Dashing’. He was very dashing yes, but Loki always calls him ‘Fandral the Scoundrel’, the name he was given about the time Loki became ‘The Trickster’.

All of the warriors treated Loki as they would of before Tom passed. After they had all caught up and had dinner Loki asked if he could see Odin. Frigga allowed it and led him to their bedroom where Odin was sleeping. Loki smirked to himself and thanked his mother. Frigga left them alone and Loki paced around the bed. “in my last letter, Thomas told me to forgive you… but we both know that isn’t going to happen. You think that because you are king you are above everyone else, when in reality you are nothing but a fool. The humans are so smart, yes there may be some stupid ones but look at you. You aren’t exactly smart, falling into the Odinsleep right before I am instructed to come here.” Loki sat next to the bed. “You see, I wasn’t going to come here, but Thor told me about this…” he motioned to the room. “But the opportunity has presented itself for us... That’s what I said to my dear Thomas before he took a bite of that cursed apple you gave him. I hate to be the bearer of bad news… no, who am I kidding I love it.” He said as he picked up a nearby pillow and pressed it against Odin’s face and smothered him. The moment Loki realised he was dead he called for the guards and acted upset.

The next morning was quiet. Everybody knew Loki murdered the Allfather, but it was as if everyone else had wanted him to do it. Loki was never charged for murdering the king but after another two weeks of staying in Asgard he went home to Midgard.

He arrived home to no letters from Tom but the next day Zac arrived at his house. Loki and Tom had become close over the course of the past month and a half. Loki told Zac how he hadn’t gotten a letter from Tom for a while and Zac sighed. Loki was confused before Zac pulled a letter out of his pocket. “Before he died, he told me to take these letters and give them to you without you figuring out it was me. When you were in Asgard I thought it best to hold on to it for a little longer encase something happened to it. I wasn’t too sure about giving you the letters at first, but I saw how it lifted your spirits up when you got the first one. So here…” he handed Loki the letter. “It’s the last one.” Loki lifted his eyes so he was looking at Zac and gave him a hug. “Thank you…” he whispered as he pulled back and started to open the letter. “I’ll go now, I’ll see you later.” Zac said as he let himself out. Loki pulled the letter out of the envelope.

“My dearest Loki,

This is the last letter I think I’ll write. My hands don’t work as well as they used to and you’ll be back from Tescos soon. I want you to know that it’s alright for you to move on. I’m not there anymore Loki and you still have a long life left ahead of you. Give or take a couple thousand years. Do not be afraid to fall in love again. Move out if you want to, go back to Asgard, you can do whatever you like now darling, as long as you move on. You were the love of my life, but it doesn’t mean I have to be the love of yours.

From Tom.

PS. Doubt thou the stars are fire, doubt that the sun doth move. Doubt truth be a liar, but never doubt my love.”

Loki was sobbing as he put the letter down. he didn’t feeling alone anymore. These letters had taken him on a journey, they made him feel whole. As if every letter was slowly filling the void that Tom had left. He smiled to himself and thought of Zac. If he ran he would be able to catch up with him. So he did. He ran and ran and ran. He saw Zac and called out to him but suddenly a taxi turned around the corner. As Loki crossed the road the taxi collided with him. 

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