Chapter Seven - Epilogue

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He ran and ran and ran. He saw Zac and called out to him but suddenly a taxi turned around the corner. As Loki crossed the road the taxi collided with him.


Loki woke up with a jump as he looked around the room.

What you don’t realise is that for the past one hundred years Loki has been here. Loki is in the deepest, darkest dungeon Asgard has to offer. After Loki tried to commit genocide and enslave the human race, Odin Allfather sent his adopted son to spend the rest of his life down here. Every day for the past one hundred years, twice a day, Loki has been severely tortured. You see, Tom, Alice and everything that has occurred, never happened. The torture Loki has endured has been so painful that he created a fake world in his mind to get through it.

Tom and Alice were metaphors.  The loss of Alice was to show the loss of Loki's childhood when he found out what he was, when he found out his entire existence was a lie. He was never Odin's son; he would always come second to Thor. The loss of ‘Alice’ also gave Loki the time and the reason he needed to process what he had found out. He made the guards and staff who worked in the dungeons question his sanity though as he would call out Alice’s name in the middle of the night.

Tom on the other hand showed how Odin destroyed Loki's tender side. How he killed the kind and forgiving side of Loki with the lies he has told him his whole life.  The news that he was adopted was so hard on him that he did feel as if Odin had taken a knife to his heart and stabbed it himself.

Thor always turning up at the right time showed how his brother has been by his side the entire time. Even after everything that happened, Thor has stood up for him.

The death of Odin however speaks for itself. All Loki wanted was to be treated as equal to Thor. Odin himself used to rule the midgardians but no, Loki isn’t allowed.

In his little fantasy though, Loki realised that the midgardians weren’t what he believed them to be. All it took was a dream of his that has lasted nearly fifty of the one hundred years he has spent in the dungeons to see it.

When the guards arrived fill out Loki's sentence Frigga came and stopped them. Loki looked up from the floor of his cell to meet Frigga’s eyes. She knelt in front of him and kissed his forehead as she undid his charmed shackles. The shackles were in place so he couldn’t use his magic. When they were off he looked confused at the woman he used to call mother and she just smiled at him. “You have realised your mistake. I believe you said in your dream…’you think that because you are king you are above everyone else, when in reality you are nothing but a fool. The humans are so smart; yes there may be some stupid ones’, even though you were saying it to the Allfather in your dream, there was truth behind your words. You are now free to go, but the Allfather commands that you must spend the rest of your days on Midgard.” Loki nodded and stumbled as he stood up. Frigga helped him stand as he was led to the end of the BiFrost. Loki was sent to London 1914, the start of the First World War. He assumed this was the Allfather’s doing as he was drafted for the war. Of course he made friends but eventually they died as he never aged. Loki moved around also. Sadly when the Second World War came around he was fighting for the Germans, the enemy last time he fought. All together Loki had been through two wars, all types of flu outbreaks, countless presidential assassinations until he ended up back in London in 1987. Loki was at a local playground eating his lunch when a football rolled over to him. He picked it up and saw a little boy running to him. The boy had the brightest blue eyes and golden curls. The boy slowed down once he reached Loki. Loki held the ball out for the boy to take. The boy took the ball and was about to say something when a woman’s shout cut him off. “Thomas! Come one we’re leaving now!” Loki looked at the boy in shock before the boy smiled and said thank you. Loki watched the boy run off and was frozen. Thomas actually exists.  

Two years later Loki was taking a walk through the woods in the countryside when he heard a child crying. He went to see who it was when he saw the boy with the golden curls again. As if hearing him walk, Tom raised his head and saw Loki. Loki gave him a soft smile and knelt in front of him. “Are you lost little mortal?” he asked softly. Tom nodded. “I am Loki, what is your name?” Loki already knew the answer but thought it best to ask. “T-Tom.” He said as he wiped his nose on his sleeve. Loki chuckled and gave the little boy a tissue. “I prefer Thomas, it suits you better.” He said with a smile. Tom smiled softly and Loki took his hand. “Are you the man that gave me back my ball?” Tom asked after a while of walking. Loki smiled. “I’m surprised you remember that.” Loki said softly. Halfway through the woods Tom had gotten tired of walking so Loki picked him up and let him ride his back. Tom's mother was going frantic by the car as her husband was inside the woods looking for Tom. Loki walked over to Tom's mother and tapped her shoulder. “I believe this child is yours.” She hugged Loki tightly and lifted Tom off of his back. “Thank you so much!” she said as she hugged him again. Tom's dad came out of the woods and sighed in relief as he saw Tom in his seat. He also thanked Loki and they drove off, while Loki walked to his car.

Over the next fifteen years, Tom and Loki kept bumping into each other. It was Tom's twenty second birthday when he approached Loki at the bar. “I have been bumping into you all of my life and all I know about you is your name and that you don’t age.” Loki chuckled. “It appears I have a lot of explaining to do.” Loki said with a smirk on his face.

Loki explained everything to Tom, and Tom being Tom believed every word of it. Over the next six years Tom and Loki became close. Tom got the role of Loki in the movie ‘Thor’ and thanks to Loki, Tom played him perfectly.

Skip forward another five years, Tom is now thirty three and Loki is living with him. He has played Loki in three movies, taken over comic con and captured the hearts of all teenage girls. Loki sits on the couch as Tom gets home after a long day at work. He lies on the couch and starts grumbling as he rests his head in Loki's lap. Loki smiles softly at him as he runs his hand through Tom's blonde locks. “Did you have a bad day at work?”

Loki and Tom were now in a domestic routine, Tom would work and Loki would have food prepared for when he gets home. A noise came from the room down the hall and it lifted Tom's spirits up instantly. After Tom had retrieved what was making the noise he sat back on the couch with Loki. “Somebody knows that daddy’s home.” Tom cooed as he kissed his daughters forehead. She had black raven like hair and eyes as blue as the sky after a storm. “Our little Alice,” Loki's whispered as he kissed Tom softly.

 Loki woke up with a jump as he looked around the room.

What you don’t realise is that for the past one hundred years Loki has been here. Loki is in the deepest, darkest dungeon Asgard has to offer. After Loki tried to commit genocide and enslave the human race, Odin Allfather sent his adopted son to spend the rest of his life down here. Every day for the past one hundred years, twice a day, Loki has been severely tortured. You see, Tom, Alice and everything that has occurred, never happened. The torture Loki has endured has been so painful that he created a fake world in his mind to get through it…..

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