Chapter Three - The Second Letter

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It was the alarm that eventually woke Loki up. He had set it the previous night as he really needed to clean the house. Loki invited Emma and Sarah over to go dancing this evening. He also invited Zachary Levi, one of Tom’s colleagues, to come as well. Zac was nice. He was about six foot four, warm brown eyes and dark brown hair. Zac was well known for his dancing and Loki had never accepted the offer to go when Zac and Tom went.

“Come on Loki, it’ll be fun!” Tom pleaded. Tom had been practically begging Loki to go dancing with him and some friends with work. He was practically on his knees begging for him to come.

Loki just shook his head and continued tidying the house. “I do not wish to dance with you and your friends. If it were only you however I would. But there is going to be quite a few of them! I do not wish to dance with them.”

Tom sighed. “Fine.”

Loki regretted saying ‘No’ as soon as he heard that leave Tom’s mouth. Loki went to touch Tom’s shoulder but he pulled away.

Tom went into the bedroom and shut the door. He placed some clothes on the bed and started to get changed.

Loki was on the other side of the door, his hand pressed against it. “Thomas please, open the door.” Loki could hear Tom stop moving clothing around, he taught he must be contemplating it. “Thom-uff.” Loki held his stomach as he leaned against the door for support.

Tom was now standing at the door. “Loki, darling are you alright?...Get off the door I’m coming out.”

Loki moved so he was now leaning against the wall.

Tom rushed out and cupped Loki's face. “Darling what’s wrong, are you alright?” Tom was looking for signs of hurt in Loki's face, but all he saw was a small smile form on his lovers face. Tom looked down and saw Loki cupping his stomach. Loki reached for toms hand and placed it where the baby was kicking. Tom let out a soft, relieved sigh and kissed Loki's forehead. “I’m sorry darling.” He said after the kicking subdued. Loki just smiled and pulled tom into an embrace, “that my foolish mortal, is one reason why I cannot go dancing. Little one would not like it, plus I would not be able to keep up the glimmer.” Since Loki had starting showing, he would put on a glimmer to make himself look normal, just as he does to appear ᴂsir instead of Jotun. Tom then chuckled, “it still doesn’t excuse all of the other times you could have come.”


Loki was pulled out of his thoughts once he heard the door bell. He stopped what he was doing and was greeted by the mail man. Loki did not hesitate when the mail man handed Loki a letter and he slammed the door in his face. He ripped the envelope open and took out the letter.

“My Dearest Loki,

By now I assume you have asked my sisters to accompany you tonight dancing. I hope you have a fantastic time darling. I also assume you bought everything I told you to buy yesterday. Now… there is a catch to tonight. And you being the god of mischief and lies, I thought I should tell you now. There will be karaoke, and if you don’t sing I shall be very disappointed and the letters will stop until you do sing. So go out and have fun!

From Tom.

PS. Doubt thou the stars are fire, doubt that the sun doth move. Doubt truth be a liar, but never doubt my love.”

Loki rolled his eyes as he read the letter. It was just so Tom. 

Later that night there was a knock at the door and Emma, Sarah, and Zac walked in. they looked around the house and noticed how clean it was. Loki came out of the bedroom wearing black skinny jeans; Tom would say “They hug your arse perfectly. I hope I won’t have to be the protective husband.” Loki felt as if he could hear tom saying that from behind him. He was also wearing emerald green Doctor Martins boots, a ‘The Cure’ T-Shirt and one of Tom’s leather jackets. Loki would normally steal Tom's leather jackets when he was alive, especially the black one. Loki always thought that Tom suited the brown one more.

Loki said hello to the three and Zac drove them to the restaurant that they were going to be partying at. Loki couldn’t help but think of their first date.

 “By Odin… Thomas! You aren’t seriously going to do it are you?!” Loki practically yelled over the music.

“Of course I am!” Tom chuckled. Tom walked up to the stage and the music stopped. He picked a song and the music started playing.

“I don't care if Monday's blue,

Tuesday's grey and Wednesday too,

Thursday I don't care about you,

It's Friday I’m in love.”

Tom had started singing his favourite song, ‘Its Friday I’m In Love’ by the Cure. Every time he sang a verse he would look at Loki. Loki chuckled to himself and mouthed along the words, getting a look of approval from Tom as the crowd cheered.


Loki and the other three walked into the restaurant and took a seat. After conversing for about half an hour Zac had left and returned with drinks. Loki nodded in thanks as he took a sip. Zac was eyeing up the karaoke as the previous person stepped off of the stage after they finished singing ‘part of your world’ from the little mermaid. Zac was up before anyone could even think about getting up there and singing. He picked ‘Bust a Move’ and he had everybody eating out of his hand as he made them sing with him. When he finished there was a loud roar of cheers and Loki stood up to take his place. Zac patted him on the back as he handed over the microphone. Loki let out a sigh, “this is for you Thomas.” He whispered before he started to sing ‘Its Friday I’m in love.” Loki hadn’t even realised he had finished until everyone started cheering. He looked over to the table he was just at and he saw that both Sarah and Emma were crying and Zac was trying to hide the fact that he was crying. Loki bit his lip and went back to the table. As soon as he got to the table, he was embraced into a huge group hug. Loki chuckled sadly as tears threatened to fall from the corner of his eyes. Loki pulled back. “Now come on…” Loki wiped his eyes, “Let us not be sad.” He said with a faltering smile. Zac nodded, he too wiping his eyes. “Let’s dance.” He cheered.

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