Character Profile

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Name: (Y/N) SleepingBeauty
(I don't own the pictures.)
(Y/N) spend a lot of her time sleeping or creating art.She loves to sleep outside or her room in her grandmothers castle but she still cares about her classes.She is also very shy and has been known to be very quiet when speaking unless she is with her friends.
Personality: Shy and Artistic
Power: Sleep Art Magic - She can make anything she dream or draw come into reality or let it come to life.
Magical Pet: Humble ( A griffin)
Lives with: She lives with her grandmother in her castle after her parents die in an accident.
You can find her: In Regal academy's / SleepingBeauty castle's art room or in her room/garden sleeping.
Catchphrase: Beauty on the outside means nothing. It the Beauty of ones soul and actions that means the most.
Friends: Rose Cinderella, Astoria Rapunzel, Joy LeFrog, Travis Beast, Hawk SnowWhite
People who have a crush on (Y/N):
Travis Beast and Hawk SnowWhite

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