A School For Fairy Tales

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3rd person
In a castle surrounded by beautiful forest of flowers, sleep a adorable girl in a room. It was at this time that the door to the the girl room swung open with a bang, waking the girl up from from her slumber.
(Y/N) Point of view
I jump out of my bed when I hear the door of my room open with a bang and standing there was my grandmother.
" Time to wake up dear" My grandmother shouted coming closer to my bed. I swing my leg out of bed and ask "Good morning?". My Grandma laugh " Yes its the morning of school and I have to teach art today with Professor Beauty. So get dress and come down for some breakfast." , and with that said she left the room. Walking to my closet, I open the door.

I get the school vest and tie with a light blue long sleeve shirt and green and pink skirt and put it on my bed

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I get the school vest and tie with a light blue long sleeve shirt and green and pink skirt and put it on my bed.

I walk in to my bathroom and take shower, brush my teeth and wash my face

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I walk in to my bathroom and take shower, brush my teeth and wash my face. And then I go into my room and get Change.

I go downstairs to have breakfast with my grandmother while yawning

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I go downstairs to have breakfast with my grandmother while yawning.

After we are both down eating breakfast we go to the carriage and get in

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After we are both down eating breakfast we go to the carriage and get in. My grandmother started to talk,
"While you are at school I want you to try your best and make some friend."
"I will try for you grandmother but I get real scared when talking to new people and start to go quiet"
" I know dear and for you to try is all I ask for and if you find someone or two to love is all I ask for. You understand don't you?"
"Grandmother I know you only want what best for me but I will try to find friends before love."
We get to the school I have to wait for everybody else before I go in.
Few hour later(sponge bob square pants voice)
It was time for the choosing of the teams.
The first two members were Astoria Rapunzel and Joy LeFrog.
" Travis Beast"
A boy with green hair that I some times see in the art room look upset and goes up.
" Why'd I have to be on the nerd team?"
Astoria hair drop the golden dragon head on him and he hold it and throw and start to come at me. I was saved by a boy with blue hair that all the girl go crazy for. I start to blush be this close to someone and he say " Relax I'm a professional princesses saver" then his name get called to be on the team.
" Hawk SnowWhite" then my name get called to be on the same team.
"(Y/N) SleepingBeauty"
Travis come up to me.
"Sorry about the Dragon head."
"I-It's fine and I'm (Y/N)" remembering what my grandmother said about making friends.
A blushing Travis smile and then Girl called Rose Cinderella join. I go over to Hawk. "T-T-Thank you f-f-for saving me f-f-from the d-d-dragon head"
He start to blush and say it no problem.
We start to collets the stamp need for the assignment and we only have to left mine and Rose. We get to the portrait room where we are my stamp is.
"This is an open room so where the stamp?" Said Astoria
"It might be hidden from sight." Said Hawk
"You got to love the painting in this room." Said Joy
" It my stamp. So I guess it in the one the painting." I said quietly
"Did you say something?" Said Rose
I look at them and said in a clear voice
"Beauty on the outside is worth nothing compared to the beauty of the soul."
"What are you going on about?"said Astoria
I did not listen and used my magic to bring to life the picture of a female Druid that was also in my grandmother castle. The other look shook when the painting began to speak.
"It been awhile since I was able to move. Thank you young SleepingBeauty. What is that you have come to ask me?"
In the background I could hear rose freaking out about the painting speaking but I replied. "I am looking for my stamp to complete the assignment for my group and I have seen you before in my Grandmother castle but none of the other paintings in this room."
"You are correct in think that I know of the location of your stamp.But before I give you the stamp can you answer this question what goes to sleep when it get cold and wake up when it hot?"
I see the other start to think of the answer to the question.
" There are two thing nature die/sleep to come back in spring and summer and cold blooded animal go to sleep to survive the winter."
"Well done here is your stamp and please do come back and visit me it been awhile since I seen a more funny site as your friend and I do enjoy a chat. Goodbye"
I gave my stamp to Astoria.
Hawk POV
I can't believe she can bring paintings to life and she has such a voice but I notice I was not the only one looking at (Y/N). Travis was look at her with a blush on his cheeks.
Time skip
Rose just got her stamp when I hear (Y/N) shout to bring her down and see a bird get a bootle and bring to (Y/N).
"Thank you you can go back to sleeping." with that said the bird goes back in to the tapestry. We get the last stamp and go to my grandmother and she said "My this is the fast anyone completed the assignment."
Astoria look happy then we were given are grades.
Astoria- 10
Joy - 10
Hawk - 10
(Y/N) -10
Rose - 10

This is great start to the year and I am not hear Astoria complain that she got a low grade. At the end of the day, I see (Y/N) going to the SleepingBeauty castle with Professor SleepingBeauty.

| If you read this please comment on what you think I can do better. This is my first story and I am sorry if it horrible|

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