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Louis huffs and takes a few steps back as he looks at the black and white soccer ball. He imagines the ball is Stan's face as he runs towards it and kicks it into the net. 

Stan had pestered Louis all day. He'd been hanging around Louis and whispering things in his ear like the insect he is. Louis wishes he could just punch the bloke, but Louis' trying to stay out of detention this year. 

So, instead of punching Stan like he wants to he finds himself standing in the soccer field kicking balls around. His coach told him that whenever Louis needs to blow off steam that the field's open to him. Coach explained that it was one of the perks of being the captain. 

"That's a... goal? I think it's a goal anyway," A voice says. Louis steps forward and trips on the ball in front of him. He lands on his ass, probably staining his white shorts. He turns, ready to chew out whoever dared to interrupt his private soccer practice. 

Of course, the boy looked more relaxed then he had that morning. His hair is significantly less bouncy as it was earlier but still sits in tight ringlets around his head. Louis notices how pink his lips are and Louis guesses it's from a nervous lip-biting habit. 

"It's a goal," Louis confirms. He wants to be mad at the boy, but he can't bring himself to be. Harry's just too damn cute to stay mad at. 

"Good, I'd be kind of embarrassed if I messed up the... terminology while trying to impress you," Harry laughs. Harry pushes his hands into his pockets and gives Louis a sideways smile. 

"Why're you trying to impress him," Louis questions. Louis doesn't spare Harry any more looks and instead focuses on kicking the balls into the net. He's worried that if he looks at Harry he'll see the blush creeping onto his face. 

Everyone at the school pretty much knew Louis was gay. Stan made sure to tell everyone when they were and when they weren't together. Nobody really treated Louis any different after they found out and Louis guesses that being on the varsity soccer team for three years definitely helped. 

The only thing that worried Louis was Harry. Stan was popular, so when they came out together nobody could really touch them. They both knew pretty much everyone in the school. Harry was new, so if they got together Louis worried that Harry would get teased. Harry just didn't have the kind of protection that Stan and Louis have. 

"I don't know, figure that if I had befriended the varsity soccer player then I'd be pretty well off," Harry explains. Louis chuckles quietly. It was a solid plan.  

"Well, considered me impressed," Louis laughs. Louis turns to look at Harry and gestures for them to pass the ball a little. Harry immediately frowns and shakes his head. 

"I'm way too clumsy for soccer. I'd definitely fall straight on my ass," Harry admits. Louis takes a second to imagine the situation and concludes that Harry would be the type to fall on his ass while passing a soccer ball. 

"I can believe that," Louis jokes. Harry rolls his eyes as Louis passes the ball to him. The ball rolls slowly towards Harry. He stops it hesitatingly and then passes it back to Louis. "You aren't too bad." 

"So, I never would've thought you'd be the kind of guy that'd join theater," Harry says. They continue to pass the ball back and forth as they continue their conversation. 

"I could say the same for you. You seem shy." Harry shrugs and passes the ball back to Louis. 

Harry admits, "I needed the fine arts credit." Louis smiles. "What about you? I mean, you're a big 'ole jock, what are you doing in theater with all the geeks," Harry teases. 

"Excuse you! I happen to be a theater geek myself. Been in the program since freshman year," Louis says. "What about you? You seemed to be paying a whole lot of attention in history."

Harry blushes shyly and shrugs, passing the ball to Louis again. "History's interesting. I like learning about how other people lived and stuff," Harry insists. Louis reaches up and flicks his hair out of his eyes. 

"History's just about boring facts and dusty books," Louis replies. Harry crosses his arms across his chest and glares at Louis teasingly. 

"You'd also say that math is just a bunch of boring numbers and equations," Harry states. Louis doesn't see what Harry's trying to prove. Math is a bunch of boring numbers and equations. Louis' sure that whoever invented math probably invented it to torture kids. Louis has the hardest time paying attention in math, especially with the math teachers he's had. His teacher last year was so boring even she started to fall asleep and she was teaching. 

"So, besides being graced with my presence, who else have you met," Louis questions. Louis figures that any conversation is better than talking about math. Besides, Louis knew nearly everyone at the school and could probably warn Harry on who to avoid. 

"Not many people. I'm not actually very social if you haven't guessed already. There was a guy in my science class that was pretty cool," Harry starts. "I think his name's Edward, but he goes by Ed." 

Louis almost throws up. He hates the guy so much that he'd much rather talk about math then Ed Sheeran. Louis' been in school with the bloke since elementary school and Ed's always found a way to push Louis' buttons. 

"Fruit Loop, seriously? Do yourself a favor and stay far away from him," Louis suggests. 

"You call him Fruit Loop?" 

"Yea, he's got bright red hair and once in third-grade, he used fruity shampoo so everyone started calling him that. He hates it," Louis says. He'll admit that coming up with the nickname is probably one of Louis' proudest moments. 


Hey guys! Just so y'all know I'm just reuploading these chapters with updated author notes and minor edits. This writing is me from a couple of years ago, so if it's bad that's why lmao. Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed! ~B

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