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It's been too long since Louis' spent the night at Zayn's. They used to spend every Friday night alternating between each other's houses. As long as they got to hang out they didn't care what house they were at. Zayn was gone most of the summer at some camp, so they had to put a halt on their Friday tradition. 

"Pass the soda," Zayn says. They sit on Zayn's couch playing video games. Louis usually brings over FIFA for them to play, but he forgot it. The game's a shooter game, usually games that Louis doesn't like. He's not great at it either and he hardly has any points.

Louis gladly puts the controller down and grabs the two-liter of soda and passes it to Zayn. Zayn pauses the game and pours himself a cup.

"So, senior year," Zayn sighs. Louis lets himself relax into Zayn's massive couch. He runs his hands over the fabric and huffs.

"Can't believe we're gonna be adults and stuff," Louis admits.

He doesn't like the idea of growing up. His mother tells him that he better get used to it since he turns 18 in a couple of months, but the idea of adulthood makes him anxious. Louis doesn't want to live alone and pay bills and go to college. It all sounds like a ton of responsibility that Louis isn't ready for.

"End of the senior year, we're booking it. Get an apartment in LA. I'll start working on my art and you can play soccer somewhere. We're the dream team," Zayn sighs. "I need a smoke."

Louis follows Zayn to the back patio. Zayn pulls a pack of cigs out of his pocket and lights one. He takes a few drags and offers it to Louis.

"Nah, I'm not trying to get hooked to that shit," Louis says. Zayn shrugs and takes another drag from the cigarette.

The only thing about Zayn that bothers Louis is his smoking habit. Zayn picked it up Sophomore year when his mental health had gone to shit. Cigarettes seemed to be the only thing that calmed down Zayn's anxiety and depression. Now, he's stuck with dying lungs and the smell of smoke.

"That's the great part about being an artist. Nobody gives a shit how many hard drugs you do. When you're an athlete, it seems to be everyone's fucking business what you put in your body. I don't know how the fuck you do it," Zayn curses.

Louis doesn't want to answer the question in fear of hurting his friend's feelings. Artists can do drugs and harm their body because people aren't there for their bodies. People pay artists for their art, not themselves. Nobody cares what artists looks like as long as they get something to hang in their houses. Athletes get paid for being physically fit. They get paid based on how well they perform athletically. Of course, some athletes use drugs to enhance their abilities, but Louis figures that if you have actual talent you don't need drugs to enhance it. That's how Louis' always seen it anyway.

"You do what you have to do," Louis sighs.

They sit in silence. Louis watches the pool water rise and fall with the wind. He can smell the smoke from Zayn's cigs starting to wrap itself around Louis and settle onto his clothes. Louis knows that he'll have to wash his clothes before he gets home. If his mom smells him now she'll probably kill him.

"So, since you're, finally, done with Stan. Do you have your eye on anyone? I can set you up, you know how good I am playing Cupid." Zayn lets the cig dangle from his mouth as he pretends to shoot a bow and arrow at Louis' heart. Louis rolls his eyes.

"Not really," Louis says.

Of course, it's a lie. Louis' been talking to Harry for nearly a week now over Facebook. Every time he gets a Facebook notification his heart jumps because it might be Harry. They've called a few times and Louis physically relaxes when he hears Harry's voice. They've known each other a little over a week and Louis already feels like he could tell Harry anything.


Zayn shakes his head at Louis, obviously seeing past the lie. They've been friends for so long Louis'd be offended if Zayn didn't see that Louis' lying.

"Spill it!"

Louis' not sure if he wants to tell Zayn quite yet about Harry. Louis' never dated anyone other than Stan. Louis doesn't want Zayn to tease him about it. Harry's on the geekier side, but that's one of the things that Louis likes about him.

"Louis, come on! Don't be a piss baby about it," Zayn teases. He playfully shoves Louis and Louis shoves him back. Zayn takes another drag of his cig before putting it out.

"Pressuring me is not going to make me tell you!" Zayn glares at him and Louis slumps. "Fine. Harry Styles," Louis answers. Zayn turns on him.

"Who the fuck is Harry Styles?"

Louis forgot that Harry's new. Hardly anyone knows him at the school besides Louis. Harry admits to having a hard time making friends. Louis assures him that they'll fix that soon enough. At South Bay, it doesn't take long for everyone to know everyone.

"He's the new guy from Blackwell. He's a little geeky, but he has a cool personality," Louis explains. Zayn thinks for a moment then nods.

"I think I've seen him in the halls. I'll admit, I never thought you'd go for a guy like that. He's a real twink. I figure you'd want a guy more... built," Zayn offers. Louis shrugs. Usually, Louis goes for guys with a little more muscle, but it's not a problem with Harry.

"I mean, usually, I like a guy that's more athletic too. I don't know what it is about him. He's shy but so sweet. His personality is so fun and he's got a great mind," Louis says. He tries to stop himself from blushing. Louis hates that he blushes just while thinking about the other boy.

Zayn turns to look at him with a shocked expression. "I've never heard you compliment a guy on his mind before. What's this boy turned you into," Zayn jokes. Louis shrugs. 

A complete sap

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