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Two weeks have passed since homecoming and Louis doesn't think anything will bring him down. Soccer doesn't start until the spring, but practice has already started. Honestly, Louis loves it, so he doesn't mind staying after school for practice. 

Also, how can Louis possibly be sad while unofficially, officially, dating Harry? They haven't asked each other out, but they've made their marks on one another. They're... exclusive may be the word that Louis would use. They hang out all the time and Louis doesn't even want to think about how many minutes he's used up calling Harry. They call each other practically every night. 

"Practice starts today, so I'll swing by yours after I catch a shower," Louis explains. Harry's been trying to help Louis in math and science, admittedly two of Louis' worse subjects. Louis has no clue how Harry comprehends everything so well in those classes, but he doesn't dare complain. Besides, he has the cutest tutor the school has to offer. 

Harry stands in front of him, their hands loosely tangled together. When it comes to physical contact, Harry's super old-school. Louis' not sure how much he likes it, but it's definitely different. They haven't properly kissed yet, Harry explains that he saved that for official relationships. Harry does, however, kiss Louis' cheek, while Louis goes for forehead pecks. They try to keep a lot of it on the down-low, since Harry isn't entirely comfortable coming out yet. Nobody, except for Zayn, knows that they're even talking. 

"How about I stay and watch practice? The bleachers are open, right," Harry asks. Louis isn't quite sure what to say. Of course, the coach would open up the bleachers if Louis asked, since Louis is his star player, but Louis was under the impression that Harry wanted to stay on the down-low. 

"I mean... they aren't open open, but if I ask coach he might open them," Louis explains. Harry gives him a small smile. 

"Would you mind if I sat in on your practice?" Louis shrugs. He can see some of the other guys starting to file out of the school building and towards the soccer field. Louis knows he has to make their interaction quick if Harry really wants to stay quiet about it all. 

"Sure, just sit up at the top. I gotta go," Louis sighs. He presses a quick kiss to Harry's forehead before turning and dashing off to the playing field. If he listens, he can hear the other players starting to make their way over too. 


"Let's do some squats! Really get down there, Rodgers," Coach yells. The majority of the practice has been workouts. Now, they're in two lines facing each other and doing squats. Calvin Rodgers, one of Louis' best soccer friends, does squats in front of him. 

"What a fucking dick. How am I supposed to squat with that nerd over there drooling over my ass," Calvin asks. Louis tries not to roll his eyes too hard, but he knows he's doing it. 

"Shut the fuck up about it Rodgers. Let the kid live, alright," Louis replies. As much as he loves Calvin to death, he can be an asshole at times. Before Louis was out, Calvin had a homophobic streak. Until, Louis yelled out "I'm a cock-sucking faggot and if you have a fucking problem with you can try to get to state without me", which efficiently shut him up. 

"Sorry, I'm just saying. He hasn't been able to keep his eyes off of me all practice. I get that some guys are into that... but it's just not me, alright? Now, if you gave him pair of tits, we'd be having a different conversation," Calvin explains. Louis sighs loudly, knowing damn well that Harry's eyes are on him, not Calvin. It's the only reason Louis' trying so hard on these squats. 

"What is up with your obsession with tits, Rodgers? Let it go, alright? I don't talk to you about dicks all the time, so I don't need to hear about a girl's breast size," Louis chastises. The only thing Calvin ever talks about, besides soccer, is the newest girl he's hooking up with. It's half of the reason why Louis considers the boy his soccer friend and not just his regular friend. 

"Sorry, I just can't help it! I mean, there are a few amazing sets walking around campus, not gonna lie. Oh, there was this one girl, I swear to god, they were so perky and perfect. She's amazing in bed too," Calvin sighs.

"Sorry, I just can't help it! I mean, there are a few amazing dicks walking around campus, not gonna lie. Oh, there was this one guy, I swear to god, his dick was so thick and perfect. He's amazing in bed too," Louis teases. Calvin's face wrinkles as Louis finishes his last squat.

Once he's done, he takes a seat on the grass and spares a glance at Harry. He sits at the top of the bleachers, like Louis asked, and smiles brightly when he catches Louis looking. Louis can tell he looks flushed, probably from watching Louis doing squats. Louis'll admit to having a pretty fantastic ass. 

Louis looks away and focuses back on Calvin. "Tomlinson, that nerd is staring at you," Calvin says. He finishes shortly after Louis does and gestures up at Harry in the bleachers. 

"What's it to you, Rodgers? Let him stare, I need a boyfriend anyway," Louis sighs. Calvin wrinkles his nose. 

The coach has them doing a few laps around the soccer field and before Louis knows it, a couple of the guys surrounding them have starting to laugh about something. Louis turns to them, hoping to get on the joke. They all quiet down after Louis turns. 

"What's so funny," Louis asks. He slows down so he's running by their side. 

"Nothing, you just have a secret admirer. Davidson told me that he was taking pictures of you and I saw him staring at your ass while you were doing squats," Calvin explains. Louis can't believe that this is being brought up again. He doesn't know why it's such a big deal. 

The rest of practice, the guys have started to point it out to everyone else and by the end of practice everyone seems to be in on it. The last thing Louis wants to deal with right now is a bunch of rumors spreading around the school. Before Coach has the opportunity to end practice, Louis admits he has something to add. 

"I've heard a couple of idiotic things today from a select group of dickwads. That 'nerd' over there is my friend and his name is Harry. You will address him as Harry. If I hear any rumors going around that Harry's a creeper than I will beat all of your asses. Frankly, if he's looking at me than that's my problem. Keep all of your noses out of it or I'll break all of them," Louis says. His teammates seem a little shocked, but mostly unaffected by Louis' speech. He didn't think there would actually be a problem about it as long as it was addressed. 


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