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"So, this is it," Louis asks. He slowly pulls up to Harry's house. They'd already had a late dinner and talked all night. Louis' never found it so easy to talk to someone before. The two get on so well, it's almost shocking. 

"Yeah, do you wanna come inside for a couple of minutes," Harry questions. Louis looks across Harry's face and sees that he's being serious. The older boy's curfew isn't for an hour, anyway, so he figures it can't hurt anyway. Besides, he likes being with Harry. 

Louis turns the car off and follows Harry up to his house. Harry unlocks the door, walking in. Louis follows awkwardly behind him as Harry leads them to his room. "Sorry, it'll be a little messy," Harry explains. Louis bets that it won't be as messy as his own room. 

The first thing Louis notices about the room are the dark green walls. A giant picture of a deer is plastered to one of the walls and a desk takes up a the space under it. Louis notices two boxes sitting next to Harry's closet. Scattered across the room are differently shaped origami pieces. The bed takes up most of the space in the room and Louis can't help himself trail his fingers over the covers. 

"What are the boxes for," Louis asks as he points to the boxes near the boy's closet. Harry blushes sheepishly. 

"I dabble in photography. The one on the left is for nature and the box on the right is for my friends," Harry says. Louis nods and takes a seat on the bed. Harry follows suit. 

"So, I got to learn a lot about you. I have to admit, Edward is a strange middle name. It's... kind of like a vampire. I mean you fit the description: pale skin, dark hair, kind of a loner, and drop dead gorgeous," Louis sighs. He catches his breath as he realizes what he's said. Harry is absolutely gorgeous, but Louis' not sure if he wants Harry to know he thinks that yet. Well, it's too late now.

"You think I'm gorgeous," Harry asks quietly. Louis spares him a glance and then looks away. He's not sure how to approach the situation, but he knows that he should be careful. The last thing Louis wants to do is overwhelm Harry. Louis bumps his shoulder against Harry's teasingly. 

"Of course you are! With a face like that, you'll have all the guys weak in the knees," Louis teases. It's not far from the truth. Harry's breathtaking. Louis' holding his breath, waiting for Harry to say something. 

"What if I don't want all the guys, what if I just want one particular guy," Harry says. His voice is light and airy, the first time Louis' ever heard it like that. Louis' not quite sure what to make of it. 

"If you work your charm hard enough, I'm sure he'll fall for you too," Louis answers. He's not sure who the boy might be. His stomach knots as he imagines Ed Sheeran being that boy for Harry. Louis doubts it, you don't stand your crush up at the dance. 

"I don't know if charm is enough. I did a pretty shitty thing. I made him jealous on purpose because he said something and now I'm not sure if he'll forgive me," Harry explains. Louis catches his breath. The boy sounds like Louis, but he doesn't want to jump to conclusions too soon. Of course, his mind is already spinning. Harry did take his last slow dance with Louis and Harry did go to homecoming with the one guy Louis told him to stay away from. What if this guy Harry's talking about is him?

"I'm sure he'll forgive you," Louis sighs. He doesn't know what else to say. Louis' about to come up with some sort of excuse to leave, but stops when he hears Harry saying something. 

"Louis, will you forgive me?" 

There it is. All the air is knocked out of Louis' lungs and he, simultaneously, feels like he's falling off of a cliff and also like he's flying. So many feelings at once, almost too much. Harry likes him. Out of everyone, the only boy that Harry wants is Louis. 

"Of course, Harry. I'll always forgive you," Louis breathes. 

He finally musters up the courage to look at Harry again. The boy's cheeks are bright pink and his hair looks so soft. Louis wants nothing more than to reach up and touch it, but he knows he shouldn't. His green eyes look soft and inviting. Louis' eyes land on Harry's lips. The only thing he wants to do is kiss them. He pulls his eyes away from Harry's pink lips and up to his eyes. Silently asking, begging, to be kissed. 

Harry looks away. 

"You should probably go. Mom doesn't like me having people over this late without me telling her and, besides, she'll probably want to know all about homecoming. You know what mom's are like," Harry explains. 

He's being kicked out. Louis knows what this is. On one hand, Louis' disappointed. He wanted to kiss Harry. On the other hand, Louis wasn't sure if it'd be too much. They'd already pretty much put themselves out there and revealed their true feelings. Louis guesses a kiss would've been too much in one night.

"No! Yeah, I didn't even think about that. I'm sorry... yeah," Louis sighs. 

He stands and is about to leave when he feels Harry grab his wrist. Louis turns around and sees Harry smiling at him. The feeling of soft lips touching his cheek sends Louis' heart hammering. The feeling is gone almost as soon as it started. 

"Text me when you get home, so I know that you're alright," Harry whispers. Louis gulps nervously and nods, heading out of the door and to his car. 

Harry's house isn't far from his, so it doesn't take too long to get home. For a while, Louis just sits in his car thinking over the whole night. Harry has feelings for him. Harry kissed his cheek. What does this mean for them? Louis has no clue. He pulls out his phone and opens up the chat with Harry. 

To: Hot Math Nerd

Im home. Thnxs for the amazing night. Night H. 


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