Self Harm - !Trigger Warning!

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Shane sat at his desk, doing whatever the he felt like. 'Ding!' His phone alarmed. He looked down and saw a meeting at conference room 8. 'Okay..? Odd. But, must be important.' Shane mentally stated before getting out of his chair and walking towards the office.

Shane then put him self in a black office chair, and rolled it back so his long legs could stretch.

"Hey, watch it tall guy." Ryan chuckled as he moved behind him, then sat next to Shane.

"Haha sorry." Shane moved in leaning on the table.

"How ya been, Ry? How's the new show of yours?" Shane looked over at the younger man.

"Oh! It's been okay, the audience seems to enjoy Brent and...and yeah...I've been okay..."- he looked down for a second and pulled his sleeves down a bit more before looking back up-" How have you been?" Shane took note of his sleeves. It's 84 outside, and we're in Cali.

"Um fine..- good. Mhm good. All good in Shane town." Ryan smiled,

"Good to hear buddy." Once again, Ryan tugged at his sleeve and looked away.
Shane glanced at Ryans sleeves a moment more before people piled into the conference room, everyone talked about buzzed, and about the replacement for Brent. Shane added in his wits here and there. He did notice Ryan was awfully quiet and when the attention wasn't on him or Ryan, Shane turned to him,

"You sad that Brent's leaving?" He questioned, guessing that's why Ryan wasn't talking as much. Ryan blinked and stared at him for a moment before speaking,

"oh...yeah." He paused, then added,

"just sad to see him leave...that's all.". Shane questionably looked at him but shrugged it off half heartedly.

The conference was ending soon then the C.E.O. Walked in. Everyone now sat straight and looked at him nervously.

"Hello, you are all here because you work on Buzzfeed: Unsolved, correct?" Shane gave a puzzled look, 'I don't work on it...'

"Except for Mr.Madej here, we actually have news for you." He looked through a folder, then stamped it with a green stamp. He slid it over to Shane. 'Approved' was stamped on it.

"S-sir I..." Ryan looked over at Shane, his desperate eyes pleading not to say a word. Shane gulped.

"Yes?" The C.E.O. Grew impatient.

"Never mind..."

"Well then, congratulations on co-hosting the new addition of BuzzFeedBlue, Mr. Madej." He walked out of the room, as did everyone else. Except for Ryan. Ryan waited quietly, expecting Shane to leave too.

"Hey, I'm happy to work with you and all, but..." Shane started, his voice seemed to startle him.

"Ah! I didn't know you were here still...sorry..."-he blushed a small bit-"continue.."

"R-right.." something about Ryan blushing made his heart race.

"I never..turned in an application...I don't think this was meant for me, Ryan.." Ryan looked into his eyes with guilt.

"Don't be mad..I'm sorry. I turned on in It's just..Brent and I...we don't..I don't know...what am I saying?!..." he cursed him self out, then stood. Shane stood also, and extended his hand, the other hand holding the folder. Ryan grasped the tallers hand, and smiled. His sleeve fell back without him noticing. Shane looked down onto his arm and wrists.

Blood. Scratched. Dried blood. Cuts. Self harm.

"I-I'm's okay..." Shane shook his hand and tried to cover his his fear. His fear mixed in with some sort of disgust didn't reach Ryan as he smiled.

Shane x Ryan (one shots)Where stories live. Discover now