Twitter Feud!

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'Bet you couldn't reach that @ryansbergara'  Shane tweeted, posting a picture of a tall shelve, 'proof of Ghosts!' was photoshoped  on a book of some sort.

'Ghosts are real, idiot. And I could totally reach that!! @shalexmadej'  Ryan argued. Shane smiled, looking up from his desk, trying to locate Ryan, but Ryan, apparently, had clocked out early. Shane's smile dropped.

'Could you now? Because if you could, id be your slave, believing in ghosts too @ryansbergara.'

Floods of fans tweeting at them were blowing both guys phones up. Ryan thought he had a great argument, but couldn't string the right words together.

'Oh, yeah, I bet you'd fuck me too, huh? @shalexmadej.'  Those words caught Shane off guard, and sent Ryan into a frenzy of intense embarrassment.

'I didn't MEAN THAT!! @shalexmadej'  Shane smirked, chuckling at the sudden burst of...whatever Ryan was feeling. Suddenly, the whole twitter following was waiting for Shane's answer, Shaniacs and Boogaras re-tweeting the small feud, and combining to the Shyan side.

'Bet. @ryansbergara .'  Ryan placed his phone down, a sudden burst of excitement ran through his body. Then, the embarrassment and dread flooded his senses. Of course Shane didn't mean it, but he hoped he did. Shane turned his phone off, going back to work. Did he really think he could fuck Ryan?

Of course he did.

The day passed by such like no other, Shane walked back into the Buzzfeed office, moving swiftly to his desk again. He wasn't thinking Ryan would be there, waiting for him.

"O-h..uh hey..?" Shane looked down at him, Ryan blushed lightly.

"So you didn't..m-mean...the.." Ryan couldn't force the words out of his mouth, Shane stood there, uncomfortably aware of their co-workers.

"Ryan could we talk about this some where..uh private..?" The smaller mans heart raced, he nodded.

"U-uh yeah, sure, okay, this is that I don't like fast, I just..-" Shane didn't listen to the words spewing from Ryan's mouth, he only pulled him to a closet. With flipping the switch up, Ryan shut the door behind them and leaned against it. Shane crossed his arms and turned to him, giving a questioning stare.

"So what were you talking about..?" Shane began.

"The twitter thing." Ryan exclaimed with sudden bravery he didn't think he had in him.

"Yeah,  what about I-"

"Are we going to fuck or not, Shane?" That statement, also, took Shane back. He didn't know he was thinking like this, other wise he would've done this sooner.

"Only if you want to." Shane shrugged, keeping cool. Ryan's face couldn't be any redder, he sent a puzzled look.

"I-I mean, if you're okay with it..." A few awkward seconds passed, neither knowing what to do with themselves nor the conversation.  That is until Shane grabbed Ryan's small hand, holding it and leaning forward. His eyes slowly dropping. Ryan followed suit, leaning forward. This is a moment neither were excepting, but wanting.

When their lips finally touched, the door opened, pushing Ryan on top of Shane and Shane's back to the floor. A co-worker snickered,

"Sorry guys.." She walked out, shutting the door on our "moment". Shane kissed Ryan once again, ignoring his crotch pressed up directly on his knee. Their mouths connected, tongues fighting for dominance and just over all happiness happened in the span of a few minutes. After a few seconds, they pulled away, standing up.

"We can fuck another time, but make sure...ya don't put it on twitter." Shane winked, walking out. I waited, turned the light off, and shut the door. Thinking about the tweet and his remark, I sat at my desk, smiling...

(602 words, jesus now THIS is short. I will be posting this, and another one later, just so I don't have to write for a week. I'm leaving for the beach and enjoying summer, whilst waiting for BFU: True Crime to come out July 13! Hope you enjoyed anyways! Thanks for reading.)

Shane x Ryan (one shots)Where stories live. Discover now