Blind Date!

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Shane nervously stood close to the door, waiting for the time to strike exactly 8:10.

Tick Tick...TOCK!

He smiled to himself and pushed the "pull" doors.

"Oh..right..." a man pulled the door for him, opening it, and smiled up at the slender man. (Aha get it..?)

"Oh thanks.." Shane couldn't see his facial features, let alone anything else besides his white pearly smile and his short figure. 

"No problem, try and look for the sign next time." He chuckled. Shane walked in, the man did as well.

"What's your name, sir?" A lady with blond hair and brown eyes asked, her make up slipping a bit off.

" Madej." She nodded and led him back to a booth near the dark sky.

"Here you are sir, and are you waiting for company..?" Shane nodded slowly and sat down.

"Okay! Then I'll be right back with two menus." She quickly moved away from the table, as Shane pulled out his phone and messaged his friend, the one who's original idea of Shane going on a "blind date" was.

"When is he coming?" Shane wrote, a few seconds later he found his reply.

"He should be there now. I don't think he knows what table he's supposed to be at.." of course. Stupid, Shane thought. He put his phone down, waiting silently for the mysterious man he's heard so much about.

About 20 minutes later and Shane's drink half way gone, a small man sat down a crossed from him.

"You must be Shane..?" He said in a smooth yet, terrified voice.  Shane was just as nervous, he recognized the short -ness.

"Hey do I know you..?" The smaller then also said. Shane furrowed his eyebrows slightly, sitting up straight. He shrugged.

"I think... oh! You're the guy who ran into the door! Shane...magic..? I kinda over heard the last name.." he blushed and smiled enthusiastically.

"'s Madej..and yeah I am..." Shane rubbed the back of his neck, clearly embarrassed. He then cleared his throat.

"Oh sorry, Mr. Madej. I'm Ryan. Ryan Bergara." Ryan extended his hand crossed the table, Shane clasped his hand and shook it. The woman from earlier came over and placed a second menu. She winked, then skipped away once more.

"Andrews told me a lot about you, ya know..." Shane tried to chisel the ice a tad.

"Good things I hope.." Ryan chuckled, looking down and through the menu. Shane smiled,

"Yeah only good things, such're a great dancer, you like believe in ghosts..." Shane personally didn't like the last part, but if this cute guy liked it, so did he.

"Oh well the first one, untrue-"

"I saw a video." Shane put his chin in his hands.

"What..?! How...never mind,"- he shook his head, looking up.-" I am into film, I hope to be a...maker of a film one day and...yeah I believe in paranormal and ghosts." He stated mater of factly. Shane couldn't help but smile, it was like Ryan was his little sibling who just told on him to his mom. 

"That's actually quite interesting. I just work at a place called Buzzfeed, and I'm a skeptic. I don't exactly believe in ghosts." Shane took a sip of his drink, Ryan looked at him in awe. His jaw slightly ajar and a confused look in his eyes.

"How could you not..?! There's so much scienti-"

"Don't say scientific because it's not." The waitress came back over and took orders.

"But it could be." Ryan muttered as the lady went and retrieved their food. Shane sighed. Here we go...

A half an hour later, Shane laughed through a full mouth. Their food had arrived as they were talking about some non sense.

"Eat before talking, Shane!!" Ryan smiled adorably in Shane opinion.

"or what? What you gonna do!" Shane stuck his tongue out at him. Food mixed with Silvia covered it.

"Ewww dude! We're in public!" Ryan laughed and took another bite of his food. Shane swallowed.

"I'm having fun, Ryan. I'm glad we met." Shane had finished his food. It was almost 9 pm and he did work in the morning.

"Me too, I hope we could...have another date..." Ryan blushed a light pink.

"How about I pay, and walk you to your car, Bergara?" Shane offered kindly. Ryan smiled.

"You sure I can't pay for it? It'd be my treat.." Ryan certainly didn't want to seem like a bother to this handsome man.

"Please, it's my treat." He left a tip and payed at the desk, then grabbed Ryan's hand, walking out.

"Which ones yours?" Shane shut the door behind them. Ryan kept squeezing Shane's hand nervously, getting lost in the feeling of someone protecting him. Or that's what it felt like at least.

"Um...(which ever car he drives idk that)" the taller man nodded and pulled him towards it, they then stood in front of the drivers side.

"I truly did have fun, thanks for coming and not standing me up." Ryan nodded, chuckling.

"I'm glad I came, I met an awesomely handsome guy. So it was worth it." Shane accepted the compliment and let go of Ryan's hand, leaving a note in it. Ryan clutched the small note, and stood taller to kiss Shane's cheek.

"I hope to see you again." Ryan said. Shane smiled excitedly and opened the car door for him.

"Ditto." Ryan climbed in, Shane then shut the door for him. He waved small as Ryan pulled out and drove silently away.

"Here's my number, call me ;) xxx-xxx

     -Shane Madej <3"  The note read...

(943 words. Short I know, sorry! Tell me what you think. Thanks!)

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