Chapter 1

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Everything was silent. Lance McClain couldn't hear the chatter that echoed around the indoor pool. He couldn't hear the giggles of little kids, jumping and splashing in the water. Nor the shout of the 'no running!' by the lifeguards or 'order 52!' Not a sound broke into his field of focus, it was just Lance and the water. 

His blue eyes were trained on the other end of the pool, pushing his arms through the water and kicking his long legs. Harder, faster. He didn't feel the aching in his exhausted legs, or the hollow feeling of hunger that ate away in his stomach. His stinging eyes didn't bother him and he stayed oblivious to his growing need to use the restroom. 

Lance's hand reached the edge of the pool and as he broke the surface, his adrenaline gave way. His lungs and nerves screamed for attention, begging him to quench their thirst. 

"Wow! That's your fastest time yet." Hunk Garrett praised. Lance grinned widely, hoisting himself up and out of the cold water and onto the even colder tiles. 

"Hell yeah, new record for the Lancey-boy!" Lance got up on shaky legs, cheering and dancing around, stopping when his stomach growled loudly. The seventeen-year-old laughed and shuffled awkwardly. "I'm.. uh, going to go do a maccas run." 

Hunk grinned at him, "You might as well grab me something too. You know what I want."
Lance chuckled, already running towards the change rooms, "Oh boy, I sure do!"

Still feeling the always uncomfortable cling of water on his skin, Lance groaned. He pushed open the door to the nearby Mcdonald's, the stuffy air instantly irritating him even more and the long line wasn't helping his case either. 'Is Mcdonalds everyone's favourite fancy restaurant?' he thought bitterly. Lance was hungry, in pain and his skin currently felt like a rotisserie chicken coated in too much oil.

It had felt like hours of tapping his foot and planning what he was going to order before he finally arrived at the front of the line. 

"Hi, can I get-" 

"What do you want?" The employee demanded, his eyes boring into Lance's soul. The frustrated teenager was one comment away from launching across the counter to grip the poor guy's shirt, but he was already salivating at the smell of food. Lance had to repeat his order multiple times before the annoying employee with a mullet that escaped his hat, (this had to be illegal at a fast food restaurant) finally gave him his receipt.

It was when he received his food he realised, he had forgotten to order Hunk's food.
He was pulling his hair out by the time he got both of their orders, glaring at the mullet man on his way out. 

Lance pulled out his phone, ready to rant to Hunk when he noticed said person had put on his Snapchat story 'hit me up' followed by his number. He smirked as he walked back to the swimming pool, his thoughts all hanging on one thing: Hunk didn't have his number saved.

Finally, after 15 minutes of handing Hunk his food and biking their separate ways home, he reached the comfort of his bedroom. He took a huge bite out of his burger as his fingers dashed across his screen to type in Hunk's number.

Lance (6:20pm): Hey, nerd.

Unknown (7:15pm): Hi??

Lance (7:15pm): Do u kno who this is :^D???

Hunk (7:21pm): Uh.. no??

Lance (7:21pm): Try and guess, ;DDDD

Hunk (7:22pm): How about no thanks

Lance (7:22pm): Aw no fun, i'll giv u a clue :^)

Lance quickly scrolled through his photos, grinning when he found the perfect image. It was Hunk making a disgusted and horrified face, topped off with a caption that said, 'When the gun noise isnt 'pew pew.' Selecting it, he sent it to "Hunk" and waited with a wide grin.

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