Chapter 3

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Sam and I are BACK with more of this chaotic story woo

we just finished writing this like 5 seconds ago whoops

As the school day ended, and the sun started to set, Keith wanted to enjoy the precious time he had between now and work. Unfortunately, Pidge had other plans for him.

The first thing that anyone heard when being at least 5 feet from the house was Pidge's laughter. Keith was pretty sure people were going to call the cops soon, actually, he was pretty sure someone had already called the cops.

"Christ, Pidge, can you shut up?" Keith grumbled, throwing a book at his friend.

Said friend was currently doubled over, ignoring the book that was thrown at their face, instead wheezing for air. "I'm.. i'm sorry Keith, but oh my god Shiro is your fucking PE Teacher." Pidge started laughing again, clutching their stomach and soon erupting into a coughing fit.

"Language, Pidge." Shiro mumbled, walking into the room.

Speak of the devil, and he shall appear, right?

"You can't tell me what to do! You're not my mum!"

"I am, however, an adult."

"I don't respect the law!"

Keith watched them bicker back and forth, before pulling out his phone and mindlessly scrolling on it, trying to tune his brother and his best friend out.

The keyword being trying.

Keith jumped when his phone was suddenly yanked out of his hands. He saw the grinning face of Pidge and scowled, "Pidge. Give me back my phone."

Pidge hummed before shaking their head and running out of the room, laughing loudly. Keith just sighed and got up, glaring at Shiro.

"Why didn't you stop them."

Shiro smiled sheepishly and shrugged, causing Keith to groan and run after his friend.

Keith (4:03 PM)

Heyy, 'mckaine' how did u manage 2 text me

"Pidge i swear to god if you don't give my phone back!"

Random text guy (4:03 PM)

Hohyl shit

Mckaine (4:04 PM)

why are u texting me, not hunk??

Keith (4:05PM)

I was curiosu ig


Mckaine (4:06PM)

Are u drunk or something? U were txting really like

Mckaine (4:06PM)

Really uptight or w/e?

"Pidge, for fucks sake--"

"Language, Keith!"

"My phone has been stolen, Shiro!"

Keith (4:08PM)

Nah i'm not about those underaged drinking hours

Keith (4:08 PM)

Wait u could be like 40 or smth

"Keith, this dude just called you uptight!"

"Who are you texting!?"

Mckaine (4:09 PM)

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