Chapter 2

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hewwo, enjoy our chapter 2 (our chapter lengths are so inconsistent whoops)

Everything was loud. The hallways were already crowded, so any noise just bounced off the close quartered walls, echoing and echoing around until you couldn't imagine what it was like to be in a quiet space. People seemed to stomp as they walked, lockers slammed close with loud thumps, hugs and squeals and fist bumps and-

"Calm down Edgelord." Pidge punched Keith's shoulder softly.

"I am perfectly calm, Katie." Keith grumbled, glaring at Pidge.

Pidge huffed and punched him in the shoulder harder and glared at him.

"It's Pidge, you 70s wannabe!"

Keith yelped and rubbed his shoulder.

"Okay! Okay! Jeez, i'm sorry!" Pidge crossed their arms.

"You better be, Kogane."

Keith sighed at that, kicking his foot against the ground, "So..are you going to give me a tour or what?"

"I told you, first I want to introduce you to a friend I met from the garrison intern thing." A growl escaped Keith's lips as he glared at Pidge.

"You gotta make friends eventually, Keith." Pidge sighed.

"But what about you, Matt and Shi--"

"Doesn't count." Keith groaned, leaning against his new locker and scowling. Pidge sighed before frowning, "C'mon Keith, we're in a new school, the last thing we need is a repeat of last time." They leaned against their own locker, watching the other kids chat and walk along the hallway.

"It's too loud." Keith crosses his arms.

"Schools are usually loud."

"Why couldn't we meet somewhere else."

"Do you want to be able to get to class on time, Kogane?"

"Stop saying my last name like that!"

"Then stop questioning my meeting places!" The two best friends threw looks that could kill at each other, neither showing any chance of putting away their weapons and backing down.

"HEY!" They snapped their heads towards the source, along with a few people around them, and discovered the deep voice belonged to a large guy around their age. He was brightly dressed, running towards them with a tall guy trailing close behind.

Pidge grinned widely, "Hi, Hunk!"

"Hey Pidge! And you must be Keith." Hunk smiled kindly, nodding at Keith. 'So his name was Hunk.' Keith thought, awkwardly waving back.

"I'm Hunk and this is-" Hunk gestured towards the guy next to him, directing Keith's attention. The tall guy was currently hunched over and panting. Another beat passed before he stood up and grinned.

"The names Lance." He winked, throwing his hand out to Pidge. Keith stopped and stared. 'Oh.. oh no he's cute.' He internally panicked. Pidge took Lances hand and nodded, unfazed by his charm, unlike someone else.

"Nice to meet you, i'm Pidge and the 70s edgelord next to me is my best friend, Keith."

Lance's dazzling smile wavered when his eyes landed on Keith. Keith couldn't even speak, his lips moved silently and he was at least 50% sure he was blushing.

'Oh fuck. Oh my god. He's CUTE.'

Lances attention was no longer on him, but glued to a blonde girl passing by.

We've met once, twice, three times (We were blind each time)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora