| Blue | 10/17
~Dear Diary,
Today is the day of the hunt. My siblings are old enough to be chosen now. Those beasts hate us and won't mind killing us the first chance they get.
I hope and pray that I'm not picked. With both of our parents being gone, I'm the only "parent like" figure around. Amauree and Layla are too young to grow up the way me and my brothers did.
Anyways, I have to go check on the baby twins. Hopefully,I can come back and write tomorrow. Until next time.
I shut my small, black leather diary, getting up to stretch my limbs. I quickly took care of my hygiene. I had picked out a pair of leggings and a camo tank top with a jacket tied around my waist.
My three lucky knives glowed brightly on my desk, the sun shining it's warm rays onto them. I shoved them in my bra, making sure it didn't poke out.
I grabbed my hidden box that I had placed under my bed. It was a blood red colored box that was passed down to me.
I dug through the box, searching for a letter that I had written a while back.
After having a close friend of mine be chosen about 4 years ago, I decided to write a letter in case the odds weren't in my favor.She wouldn't have been chosen if a band of hunters didn't go into the woods. They slaughtered 10 wolves and in turn the rest of us had to pay the consequences.
The king had made an appearance an threatened to wipe us all out. The only way we would continue to live is if another hunt would take place. But this time around 25 people were taken, my best friend being included.
They tortured us all by killing them right by the border. We had to listen to their screams of terror and pain while they were ripped apart.
On top of that, they still wanted both of their hunts. Meaning that they'd still be able to have the 50 year hunt and the early hunt as well. So here we are now, getting chosen once again.
I sighed while pulling out the letter from the blank envelope.
'If you're reading this then I'm most likely gone by now. I'll do what I can to help the other chosen ones. I'll do my best to distract them and send your friends and family back to you.
Please be ready to leave the minute they come back. There's a secret place that I found when I was younger. Khalil and Jeremiah will know where it is and they'll lead you there.
I didn't sense any other presences there, and it's not in the wolvern territory. Get there as fast as you can before they notice something's up.
- from blue
If I happened to be picked, then I hoped that I would be the only one from my family.
I slipped the letter under my pillow. Dusting my hands after pushing the box back under the bed.
I left my room and went down to check on the twins.
"Hey you two."
"MAMA!" My younger sisters ran into my arms.
Our mother died during childbirth when she had the last set of twins and our father went missing when the girls were 2. There was no trace of him left, so we assumed that he was gone.
Eventually, my siblings just started calling me mama. My babies were as cute as they could be. Unfortunately, they had to be born into a world where violence and superiority ruled.
Mauree and Layla giggle as I swung them around.
"Again! Again!" Layla yelled, clapping her hands in excitement.
I spun them around once more before setting them on the ground.
"Go change, breakfast will be ready once y'all are finished." I patted their bottoms as they nodded, scurrying to their closet.
I walked down the hall and found my brothers fighting over the last piece of bacon once again.
While they were distracted, I swiped the bacon and bit into it.
"Hey I wanted that piece!" Kahlil yelled while his brother pouted.
"You do know that there's more bacon in the fridge right?"
"But I don't want to cook it." Jeremiah whined.
"Well suck it up buttercup and do it or you won't be getting bacon at all."
I pulled out two plates to fix breakfast for my babies. I heard giggles and soft footsteps as soon as I put their plates down.
We all sat down at the table, said our grace, and dug in. It was nice to sit around the table like this, it reminded me of what we used to when I was little.
___________It was now 11:30. 30 minutes until midnight. 30 minutes until the wolves. 30 minutes until the offerings.
The younger twins went over to Paula's house since she passed the age limit. My brothers and I made our way to Lake Frontieră meaning 'the border'.
It only took about 15 minutes to get there, according to the grand clock by the 'sacred offering ground'.
Once everyone in the village was there the first part of the hunt began. One of the elders, James, stepped up to the podium. His voice carrying throughout the silent area.
"We are here today for the sacred offerings of our people as redemption for our past mistakes. You all know that 15 people from our village will save the future generations with their sacrifices.
The chosen ones shall be honored and remembered from now until the end of time. To show our appreciation, your family will be compensated for your loss or losses." He moved away from the mic.
Louis, the brother of James, took his place. In his hand held a list, a list with all the names that had been drawn.
"When your name is called, step up to the white line."
"I hope I get picked." The girl next to me told her friend. I internally chocked in surprise.
This shit wasn't a game. Do they not understand that 98% of the time, people don't come back. But if you want to be killed and let them have their way with you, then by all means go ahead.
Another elder stepped up and started to announce the names front the list.
"Amy Bishop"
"Jerry Huckleberry"
"Kevin Jones"
"Isabelle Kerry"
"Hailey Barr"
"Nicholas James"
"Wendy Harris"
"Courtney McCall"
"Zachariah Lewis"
"Henry Lewis"
"Olivia Simpson"
"Kirsten Willis"
"Edward VanHugley"
" Kya Hall"
Blue Heart."

Werewolf(REWRITING BUT ON HOLD ATM) •Chapters with [ ] have been edited• Every 50 years there is The Wolves Hunt. Beasts would take the 15 sacrifices and lead them to their grounds where they'd become nothing more than a source of entertainment. Human live...