I see sparks fly. (A Hunger Games Fanfic)

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"Gale!" I scream, running to him, wrapping my arms around him.  We have always been best friends.  We hunt together everyday! It's some much fun!  When I first met Gale, I have to admit, I actually liked him more than a friend.  We decided to date once before and it was just to awkward so we stopped.  There is a two year difference between us, but age doesn't really matter.  I still have some feelings for him, but I know he doesn't feel the same way.

"Katnip!" he says hugging me back. This is just a friendly gesture. "How is my almost 16 year old best friend?" He asked. My birthday is tomorrow, but I don't like making a big deal about it.  It just any ordinary day.

"You know it's just another day.  I'm not doing anything special. AND you better not try anything funny and plan a party!" I say, pushing him in a joking way. We both laugh.

He puts his hand in the air and innocently says, "I would never do such a thing!"

"I know you too well to know that's lie!" I snap back. "We should probably start hunting now."

"We can't stay too late, we have school tomorrow." Gale says, but that just makes me laugh because I know he hates school and he knows I will just sleep in class.


I'm woken up by my mother and Prim talking about plans for tonight, but I'm so sleepy that I can barley understand what they are saying.  I just ignore them.  They must have forgotten that i sleep in the room closest to the kitchen, where they were talking.  I get up and walk to the kitchen to get something to eat for breakfast and they stop talking at once. Oh well.

"Prim, lets go. Time for school." I say annoyed.

"Okay!" she said giggling.  Prim is in 7th grade, so she walks to school with my since the middle school and high school are connected.

We walk to school with Gale and his little brother, Rory.  They walk in front of us and start talking.  He seems to really like Prim.  I'm not the only one who notices this because Gale is pointing at them showing me how Rory is blushing. Ahw, my little sister has a secret admirer!

Just then Rory turns around and says, "Happy birthday Katnip!" Gale got Rory to call me that to. I smile and thank him then we are at school.

Everyone was wishing me a happy birthday and I smiled and thanked them, but don't like all the attention. I try to stay away from everyone at lunch, but as I was walking someone stuck out their foot and I tripped.  I look down and see food all over my clothes and tears form in my eyes.

"Watch where you are going seam girl." I instantly reconize that voice. Glimmer. Why did she pick today to pick on me?

"Maybe you should go die in a hole!" I say fighting back the tears. I feel someone help me up and pick my tray up off the floor. I turn to see who it is and it is a random guy. I have no clue who it is. He has blonde hair and the most beautiful, striking blue eyes I have ever seen. He is so cute. I am beyond embarassed right now! You can tell he isn't from the seam.

"Here lets go get you cleaned up." He says to me and I can tell I'm blushing. We start walking down the hallway.

"Okay thanks. Sorry to be rude but, who are you?" I ask trying not to blush even more.

"Peeta Mellark. And you are Katniss Everdeen. Happy brithday!" he says. How does he know me? How does he know who I am?

"Just a question. How do you know who I am and that it's my birthday?" I asked confused.

"You give squirrels to my dad. I'm the bakers son. And Everyone is saying it so I thought it would be nice to say it. So how did this happen to you?" He asked me. I was now for sure I was blushing. I mean how could you not! He is so cute!

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