Ch. 3

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Katniss's POV:

Peeta and I haven't talked maybe three words since my birthday night.  I haven't went hunting or talked to Gale since then either.  I really hate him. 

Today I want to talk to him and see if we can hang out and start talking again. I have decided I'm going to sit by him in study hall, pass him a note, and tell him to meet me after school like we did when we met.

I walk into lunch and get my food. I always make sure not to walk past the careers so I don't trip again. I sit done by Finnick, Annie, Johanna, and Haymitch. I turn to see Peeta sitting by the careers. I wonder why. He never has before.  I feel a nudge on my shoulder that brings me back to reality. "What do you think Katniss?" I hear Annie ask.

"About what?" I ask confused.

"See I told you she is still likes that Peeta guy." Johanna says kind of annoyed.

"So what? I can't like someone now? Just because he doesn't like me, doesn't mean I can't like him!" I say starting to yell.

"Okay, calm down now sweetheart." Haymitch says. This only makes me madder. He always calls me sweetheart because he knows it irritates me to no end.

"QUIT CALLING ME THAT!" I scream. "What is your guys' problem today?"

Everyone in the cafeteria stopped talkinga nd is now staring at our table. I immediatly turn bright red and run out. I hear someone run behind me and I yell, "GO AWAY! I don't want to talk to any of you!" I'm crying now because I embaressed myself that much.

"Katniss wait." I know that voice anywhere. I stop right when he says that.

"So what, your not going to talk to me for like two months and as soon as I get embaressed your going to comfort me?" I say kind of angry. I'm still facing away from at this point because I don't know if anyone else is there and I can't let anyone see me cry.

"Katniss, It's not like that. I was just mad. I was mad that the girl that I have loved since age 5 kissed someone right in front of me. I never thought in a million years that I would actually be able to talk to you and hang out with you and when I actually get the nerves to talk to you, you seemed like you liked me. I thought we had a connection. And then I saw you and Gale kiss and my heart was shattered."

I'm furious now. I turn to face him. I have tears streaming down my face. Thank god no one was with him. "Are you kidding me Peeta?!" I'm walking towards him now. "I poured my heart out to you that night and you just turned me down. How do you think I felt? It's the worst feeling in the world to know that the person you thought was the one heard you say everything in their heart turned you down."

When I finally reach him, I see his peircing blue eyes full of tears threatening to fall. "I'm sorry I turned you down. I just couldn't go through the pain of see you and Gale so happy together and then me being the third wheel. I just couldn't do it."

"Gale and I aren't dating. We are really good friends. We dated once and it didn't work out. He was just jealous that we had a connection and so he wanted me back. I told him no and then he kissed me. I tried to pull away, he was just to big."

"I'm sorry Katniss. I just thought-" That pushed me overboard, and I don't know why.

"You just thought?! Maybe you should consider what I told you earlier that day before you assume things!" I'm yelling at this point. We start to gather a crowd. Thank goodness I'm not crying anymore! "Peeta I told you I didn't have a boyfriend. Why in hell would I kiss someone that isn't my boyfriend? Like I said, Gale kissed ME!" I turn around to walk away, when he grabs my arm and does the unexpected. He kiss me. What is wrong with him?! I pull away and look at him funny. "What the hell Peeta?!"


Sorry short chapter! I was busy all day!





~Jessica <333

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