Chapter Two

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        We started walking, but where to? No one was telling me anything. First I meet a random guy who makes my body feel weird, then I'm told I have to do training? Why training, where, and how? So many questions I have to ask, but everyone's avoiding them. Well, if they won't tell me, I will just have to do what I do best; Spy.

        I never thought it would lead to this, but things need to be done. I was wanting to ask where we were going and what a territory is. I know it means it's someones land, but why would we go there? Who are we even going to see? So many questions I want to ask, so many answers I need to know. 

        I wouldn't normally take it to such a kiddish level, but I guess I'd just have to wing it. If my own mother wouldn't tell me what was going on, I'd just have to wait and sit it out. As hard as that may be for me because I have no patience, whatsoever, I'd have to do it. If I want the answers. 

        But one thought never left my mind. Who was this guy in front of me, why did he make me feel so weak? Why did I have a need to suddenly fix my hair just to appeal to him? Look at him, I bet he has a girlfriend, I bet he is not a virgin, I mean, damn, he is so buff I beet he works out everyday!

        "Hey, uh, mom?" I asked. 

        I was a little nervous. I didn't want to come off as rude - what was I saying? Of course I wanted to come off as rude! 

        "Yes?" She replied back, pinning her hair up into a loose bun. I would do the same, because it is unbelievably hot out here, but I had no hair-bow.

        "Who the hell is he?" I shouted at her, stopping in my tracks.

        She turned around as well as the stranger. Her eyes were cold but had a hint of happiness. The stranger just stared at me, silently pleading with his eyes for me to probably kick him in the balls. I turned my gaze to him and my heart stopped. When our eyes met, I was suddenly wrapped in his arms, his face buried in my neck. I didn't want to say I didn't like the feeling of his hot breathe on my skin, but I wouldn't admit it, either.

        I had the idea to push him off, shrug him away, but it never did come. Besides, did I really want to? I kind of liked the feeling I got when he touched me. It was tingles, butterflies, and electricity. The whole thing here was cliche. And, that's coming from a girl who had a boyfriend take her to a carnival and tried to kiss her at the highest peak of the Ferris Wheel.

        "Mate." He growled, his voice dark but sensual. 

        What was a Mate, exactly? I've only ever heard it for werewolf terms, and werewolves weren't real. Does this make up as a play? Is everyone just kidding around with this whole thing? Was my mom trying to prank me with something? Because, if she is, oh she is going to get it. Bad.

        But his eyes... his eyes were asking me to say it back. As if I said it, everything would fit in place like a puzzle piece. Would it really happen like that? Would it really go to such extreme measures? I don't think so. However, I do think that something is here - between us, that is. I want to experience more of this lovey stuff I'm feeling. I like it, a lot.

        "Mate...?" I whispered, my voice weak compared to his.

        "Finally." Mom muttered to herself.

        I pulled away from him, my voice cold as I spoke the few words that caused me to be pinned up against an oak tree. I didn't mean for it to come out like that.... maybe. "You're not my 'mate', you're not anything to me, you're a stranger! A creepy stranger!"

        Tears were in his eyes but rage took over. Growls were erupting through his throat but I tried to not notice that. His eyes were now black with rage and lust mixing with a little sadness. My heart squeezed together just looking at him. I didn't want to see him like this, it was like something was telling me that I said something wrong, I did something wrong. That I hurt someone I loved dearly.

        But I had just met him. I couldn't love him, could I? People have the theory, 'love at first sight' but that only works in books and movies. The awful thing was I believed this was love at first sight. And I was strangely... happy.

        "I'm your mate, I'm your soul mate!" He shouted.

        His hands tightened around my small frame, sending not only pain to course through my body, but shock waves. My mind was telling me to kiss him, the my body was telling me to push him away, to fight back. But I didn't know which one to listen to. Everything was just confusing me.

        "Ava, I need to tell you something. Tyson," She said, "Let her go."

        He hesitated for a moment but let me go. Mom made her way over here as she stared deeply into my eyes. What was this, a family reuinin? Was she going to tell me someone died? Did she have  to go to such extreme points to just carry that out? God, mother, are you that stupid?

        I got a little scared for a minute when she didn't talk right away. Maybe she was thinking on how to put the words in form. Maybe she was telling me that I was going back to CPS. Was I? Did I do anything wrong, besides hate my father? But, confusion took its place when the little sentence left her mouth. "You're a werewolf."

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