Chapter 8: MAD-DOG, Bryan.

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Parker and Vanessa took a stroll  around the school. Vanessa pointed out the main class rooms he will be going to.
"And that's the computer lab, where all the IT and computer science students like me go." She concluded. Parker nodded his head.
"You do computer" he complimented.
"Yeah? Not so cool, I do triple science and geography, so much studying." She moaned. Parker sighed.
"How is geography anyway? I was kinda forced to pick it as an extra subject to qualify for this school."
"Ohhh its quite easy its the sciences that are hard."
"Science is easy, when you love it." His voice echoed as they tread down the hollow stairs.

He noticed the school was huge and had a lot of classes. The walls were put together with red bricks and the floor, plain cement. The hall was massive but it was the field that was superior in size.
"Ummm, about that tree in the middle of the field, why is it the only one there?"
"Parker you are curious aren't you?" She asked. She gave him a signal to follow her.
It stood tall and proud,  stretching its branches and leaves to the sun and digging its roots down into the earth for water. The tree was even more majestic up close. Its bark old and weather beaten was hard and rough.
"Its so much bigger close up."
Vanessa stared at it through her dark crimson eyes.
"You really wanna know why its called Whiteforest? Touch it, slide your finger through it." She softy whispered.
Parker stretched out his hand then hesitated.
"What will happen?" He asked
"Just touch it."
"First tell me what happens to me." Parker pleaded
"Please just do it."
"Ummm on second thought... I'll Google it." He suggested with a smile.

The air was chilly when they sat om the stairs. Parker hugged himself, Vanessa appeared unaffected by the piercing icy wind. Vanessa took out a computer science text book and began reading through it, adjusting her glasses every now and again.
"Test coming up?" He asked with a curious filled voice.
"No not yet, this is something personal. Im checking for causes in signal and internet reception malfunctions and errors." She monotonously said then added "You better get away from me 'coz my ... how can I put this ... male friend who thinks imma be his wife, is coming."

"Hey hey! Bitch get away from my baby mama! "
Parker stood up hauling his bag with him. He glanced at the boy. He was muscular with hazel brown eyes and hair. The turquoise blazer made his shoulders look broader than they already were.
"You're a new face here. You new?"  He asked while circling him and ruffling Parker's hair
"Yeah." Parker answered and pulled away.
"Ohhh I see, I'm Bryan but they call me Mad-Dog. If I see you near Vanessa or talking to her you'll see why they call me that." He left Parker with two light slaps. Parker strolled away, his ears picking up the sound of Vanessa's soft voice and Bryan's anger.
"Why didn't do my homework."
"I was doing computer science work."
"Fuck computer science, Vanessa this relationship isn't going to work if you dont do my homework. Okay!? Get that through your thick ass computer science fucked up skull.  Give me a kiss right here."

He continued walking around the massive school reminding himself of which class was for what. Along the way Parker flashbacked to the tree moment and pondered the possible outcomes if he had touched that tree. Speaking of possibilities Parker took out his phone and dialed Abii. Awaiting the phone call to be answered he leaned his back against the wall, placing his bag on the ground. Only minutes later did she answer.
"Hey Parker. How are you." Even if Abii whispered, her soft voice trickled with joy that warmed Parker's heart.
"Im okay My queen. Why are you whispering?" He asked in a confused manner.
"Im in the third period... maths." She explained.
"Ohhh I see. So I should call you later then?"
"And I'm joining Dre for detention because I'm using my phone in class. But it was worth it. Call me later Bae I miss you."
"Sure thing Boo." He assured before he dropped the phone snd got a feeling that irked him for getting his Boo into trouble. He sighed and checked the time on this holographic wrist watch. He sighed loudly when he saw it was only half past six.
"They say time waits for no man but time is moving at its own pace so man has to wait for time. This is not fair either way." His scoff echoed as he walked up the stairs to the forth and final floor.

Parker gazed at the weak sun climbing up the foggy horizons of Togata. The fog and mist was thick as if it tried to hide something, something never meant to be found. It left Parker irked, it was too thick for his liking, it was like the mist is trying to hide something from him, something that should remain hidden and has,  for a long time.

Thanx for reading lovely wattpadders hope you enjoyed as much as  I did. Please comment and consider voting if you liked it.

STAY SAFE ANOMALIES you never know

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