Chapter 9: Touch it...I dare you.

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The school was now filled with mingling students, from above they looked like an army of ants, panicking. He stared at his holographic watch, ten minutes left. If only team DEKAP was here I wouldn't be so bored. Parker thought to himself.

The bell unleashed a deafening ring, indirectly commanding the students to line up. It was a sea of turquoise and black with the uniforms. He looked around, his eyes fishing for Vanessa. He caught her waving towards him incognito. He calmly strode towards her with an atmosphere of relief settling in.
"Hey, so this is the line?"
"Yes go to the back, we'll talk in class more. Bryan will see you here." She whispered with a sense of urgency in her voice. He made his way to the back of the line of 12 scholars him being the thirteenth. Silence reined as a short middle aged woman showed up. Parker wasn't sure whether it was her shriveled up face or her messed up physique that brought the silence.
"Good morning students." Her voice sounded rusty.
"Good morning Ms Jaeger." They responded.
"Mr Samuels is absent today so there will be batting for his class. Mr Dhabi and Mrs Van Dyk are running a little late so please be understanding." The school roared in celebration.
"Thats the third time this week. The world is ending." Parker heard them rejoice.

In a class of thirteen it was easy to sit next to Vanessa.
"So Vanessa, why is this class so small. Thirteen people really?" He asked taking a good look at the female dominated class which was on the second floor. He took a good look at the clear windows and polished floor and freshly lumbered timber desks. She faced him and answered.
"Every class in this school is specialised. This is the class for people who take triple science, including theoretical science and geography or computer science. Some other classes have accounting and business studies students who also do EGD, others have Tourism, Arts, History and Sports science students or other geography students. The combos just keep on coming."
This intrigued Parker, no wonder its such a big school. A thought struck his mind.
"Bryan, what class is he in?"
"Its best to stay out of his way. The only time you'll be seeing him is around the geography period, please stay away  from him Parker."

A tall thin woman rushed into the classroom, greeting the students as she walked in.
"Morning pupils."
"Morning Mrs Hudgens."
"Alright, so today we have a tranfer student joining us so please make him feel welcome. Vanessa I trust you will show him around the school once I'm done marking the register. " she spoke with the voice of an angel. Vanessa nodded firmly.
"Ohhh cool, for once I'm not the only HE around. Wussup new dude." A male voice said from infront of the class.
"On with the register then. Wendy Marshall, Richard Kirschner, Aurora Anderson, Vanessa Moon, Nikita Donnay, Grace and Emily Fawcett, Amanda Huncho, Aliya Adkins, Amber Sunders, Juliet Hensley, Kundai Shijimizuka and Parker Capello. All present?."
"Yes Mrs." They all answered in unison. The tall teacher gazed at her watch then  looked at Vanessa and Parker.
"Twenty minutes Ms Moon. Go."
"Lets go Parker." She whispered.

The sound of their footsteps echoed in the empty stairway. Vanessa adjusting her glasses every now and again.
"Are you nervous." Parker began
"No. Why." She responded
"I can tell by the way you keep on fiddling with your glasses that you probably are."
"Well I'm not. I'm taking you to the tree Parker and we only have twenty minutes."
"Please dont tell me you want me to touch it." He pleaded.
"That is exactly what I want you to do. Simply touch it. Once. One touch."
"Vanessa why?" He asked a little louder than he intended to, now that they we're on the field approaching the towering tree. Vanessa went silent and stared into his emrald eyes. She pointed to the ancient tree.
"Please touch it just once." She begged
"Why dont you touch it?" He barked
"Because I have. I have touched it and I know what happens Parker!" She confessed, keeping her voice calm and low.
"How? How can you just come and think you can boss me around because I'm new. I'm not prepared to be bossed around like every other new kid. You dont know me Vanessa." He turned around and headed back to class.
"Yes I agree I dont but the fact that you're in my class tells me a lot about you. I know if you touch that tree you wont regret it ever. Touch it ... I dare you."
"No Vanessa I said no!"

He continued walking oblivious to the girl following him. Parker hated those who bullied and pushed others around. He loathed bullies.

Thank you for reading lovely wattpadders, hope you enjoyed as much as I did. Please comment and share with other lovely wattpadders who also might enjoy.

STAY SAFE ANOMALIES its wierd out there.

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