Chapter 10: Experimentation

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Physics in Whiteforest high school was a lot more challenging than Parker expected. It was the nice type of challenging, the type that pushed his limits and teased his brain. The bell rang and he made his way to Mr Sloan's geography classroom. He entered the dusty map decorated classroom. The teachers desk was dominated by a huge globe held in place by magnets, continuously spinning slowing, captivating. Bryan ambled in last, leaning against the frame of the door.
"Hey, hey new boy you're sitting in my place!" He yelled in anger pointing at Parker.
"Mr Banner there are 21 students in a class ment for 37 there is absolutely no reason to bully over places. Now if you will, sit down so I may start the goddamn lesson will you?" The tall man was the most fancy teacher Parker had seen all day wearing a tuxedo and a midnight black coat onto topped with a top hat which he now put on his desk.
"Right then young lads, does anyone remember what we learnt yesterday?" The tall thin man asked whilst stroking his snow white beard marching up and down between the pupils. Silence struck the room.
"My my not even the Fawcett twins remember. Right then, come get your beatings ... in an orderly fashion that is." His British accent was strong and so was his timber cane. One by one they stood up to receive their beatings. Mr Sloan eyed Parker when he didn't move from his seat he gave him a suspicion look before piecing it together.
"Aha you must be the new student I'm getting, making this a class of 22. I'm Mr Sloan as you might or might not know and who is it I have the pleasure of meeting?" He asked as he slowly ambled towards him and put out his hand.
"Parker Capello." He answered before he shook hands with the teacher.
"Ahh yes Mr Capello please to meet you."

Mr Sloan cleared his throat as he made his way back to the front of the class.
"Today I will not teach. I had an entire lesson on geomagnetic storms but seeing you are not ready, this lesson will be postponed and if you fail I take no responsibility. Now get on with your geography." He sat himself down on his leather high backed chair and gazed at the spining globe murmuring in the silent classroom.
"How peculiar, peculiar indeed." And the rest was too low for anyone to hear. In his pocket his phone vibrated violently. He took it out and answered non-hesitantly when he saw it was Abii.
"Hey bae." Whispered
"Hi Boo." She greeted. "What's up with the whispering?" She asked.
"I'm in the second period, geography."
"Ohhh, I really really miss you right now. Remember when we use to show off at break as the most cute genius couple?" She sighed
"How could I forget?" He flashbacked
"Now there's a slight problem?" She confessed
"What is it?" He asked in concern but in hopelessness knowing that whatever the problem was he couldn't be there to physically support her
"The ... the boys at school Parker, they want me for the genius I am."
"What do you mean want you?"  There was a loud BANG  that made Parker jump
"Mr Capello, usage of telephones won't be accepted. Put it away this instant and heed my warning" he furrowed his thick brows causing Parker to flinch.
"I'm sorry Gail but we'll talk later, bye." He quickly put away his phone. Outside began drizzling, coating the grass with a shiny gloss and allowind icy air to float it. Parker buttoned up his blazer but that only went so far in keeping him warm.

The bell rang again signaling the end of the hour and ten minute long period and the beginning of break. Parker began shuffling his feet to the field. A hand grabbed his shoulder roughly, twisting him around and pinning him against the wall.
"I thought I said stay out of my way parking-lot." Bryan spat. Parker was silent and averted his gaze from the bully who eventually let him go.
"This is seriously your final warning." Were his last words. He fixed his turquoise blazer and tie.
"Are you okay?" A hoarse voice asked from behind, definitely not Vanessa. He craned his neck to see who it was.
"Hi. Im Grace and this is my twin sister Emily." A short haired girl, eyed him from behind then walk besides him. Parker was amazed by how athletic their bodies were.
"As 10B we have to look out for each other, even thought almost nobody can stand up to Mad-Dog."
"The Fawcett twins?"
"Parker." Grace rolled her eyes and led him to Ms Williams class.
"Aren't we supposed to be going to the field?" He asked curiously.
"No, we go to the next class when its drizzling like this." Grace explained in her hoarse voice.
"Ohhh hmmmm. Okay then."

The life science class had wooden experiment tables along the sides with light microscopes and electronic microscopes. He scanned the class for the one called Richard but he was nowhere to be seen. The life science teacher approach him, she was tall, having long black hair with gold streaks that matched her eyes.
"Hello, are you new?" She asked in her sweet voice.
"Yes ma'am." He answered
"Then you are Parker Capello and I'm Ms Williams your life science teacher." She shook hand with him before they parted revealing Vanessa who stood behind Ms Williams.
"Hey Parker about earlier-" her voice trailed off and she dropped her gaze arousing a sense of concern from Parker.
"I'm sorry for pushing you like that." She apologised
"I have to make a call." He paused and thought.

If we keep calling each other and its always in an inappropriate time, our time zones definitely differ. So if I want to call Abii I'll have to think an hour ahead. What could she be doing in that hour.

"On second thought I'll just join that conversation ... debate."
He left Vanessa sighing.


The drizzle had stopped but the clouds remained. After school Parker headed down to the tree and scraped some bark off using his scissors. He then jogged back up to Ms Williams class. He politely knocked.
"Come in." She answered from the store room.
"Ms Williams may I please use one of the microscopes?" He begged. She stopped her search.
"What for?" She asked in a bemused face
"Umm, I need to observe some bark of a dicoteledinous plant." He explained.
"You are quit enthusiastic Parker. Five minutes."

After five minutes he left the classroom seeing nothing out of the ordinary about that plant. It was just another tree. Wasn't it?

Thanx for reading lovely wattpadders,  hope you enjoyed as much as I did. Please comment and share with other lovely wattpadders who might also enjoy.

STAY SAFE ANOMALIES its wierd out there

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