chapter 1: Cole

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Let's start with some backstory first...Yeey!(dont hate me pls)
Also: spoilers!!!

Your name is (Y/n) Anderson, Hank Andersons daughter. Life hasn't been really easy for you so far. I mean, your childhood was fine at first: You had a great bond with your younger brother Cole, your mom was a lovely, great women, who took great care of you, together with your dad. Unfortunately, that happiness didn't last long.

When you were 11, your mom died. This resulted in your dad becoming more distant. Luckily, you still had your brother to talk to, he was just five at the time and didn't really realise he wouldn't see his mother again. Though you both were sad about losing your mom, Cole always knew how to make you laugh again. Your bond became stronger every day. You could talk to Cole about anything. He wasn't just your brother, he was also your best friend. That's when it happened.

It was a cold winter. Cole had just turned six and your dad was picking him up from a friends house, where he played, to come home and celebrate his birthday with you. On the way home a truck skitted on a sheet of ice and your dads car rolled over. You were called by your dad, on his way to the hospital for Cole. When you understood what had happened you immediately jumped on your bike and cycled to the hospital as fast as you could. When you came there a nurse explained things to you. Something about that Cole needed emergency surgery,  but that no human was available. That they let an android take care of him. That he.... is dead...You don't exactly remember what she said after that. Your brain was in to much of a shock to process it. You just knew one thing: Its the androids fault!

After Cole's death you and your dad got way more distant from one another, and from anyone really. Hank blamed himself and the android for the accident. You just blamed the android. Any android. You hated them all so much! When you were sixteen you decided to move out and get a own place. You went to university and  started studying criminology. You didn't really have friends, you were too focused on your work. (You're just like your father) you never went to parties, your way of spare time was looking up all the information you could find about those deviants and androids.

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