chapter 2: Working with a android

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You sit in your appartment and sigh. You've been looking up information about androids all the night, but couldn't find much. You turn on the tv.  "After the break we will talk about the deviant case lt. Anderson is working on. Stay tuned" announces the newsreporter. Your dad leads the deviant case? Why didn't you know that? You knew he has always been interested in deviants, but you had no idea he actually made it this far.

You wait for the break to be over, getting your notebook ready. You watched the entired report... nothing new. Suddenly you get an idea: you can just ask your dad about the deviants! You're sure the police department didn't tell everything about them to the media! You get to bed and fall asleep immediately, since you haven't had much sleep lately. The next morning you wake up with the disturbing sound of your alarm.

Cranky, you turn it off. You don't want to wake up!!! After laying in your bed for another 20 min. you decide it time to get to work. You put on a dark (f/c) hoodie and blue jeans. You quickly brush your hair and eat some toast. Then you take a taxi to the police department.

You walk in, again having your notebook ready, and look around for your dad. You don't see him. Lets explore on your own then. You walk to Hanks desk and look on it. You spot his phone and headset. You put the headset on and press the play button. You smile when you hear its heavy metal music from knights of the black death. Haha, your dad hasn't changed a bit. You keep the headset on as you look further.

On the desk is a board with some anti-android slogans like "We don't bleed the same colour" and "No more androids". Man, they don't want to know how much you agree with this.
You shake your head and look at some of articles that hang on another board, with information about deviants and red ice. You look at it, interested, while taking notes. Suddenly you get poked on your shoulder. You take the headset of and turn around. The second you see the person standing in front of you you flinch slightly. You expression becomes one of disgust. In front of you stands an android...

"Who the hell are you?" You ask, angry but shocked. 'It' responds "My name is Connor, I'm the android sent by cyberlife." You look at him coldly. "Do you happen to know where lt. Anderson is?" he continues. "Why would you want to know?" You say growling. "Lt. Anderson and I work together on the deviant case, so I went here to talk to him."he responds. You couldn't believe your ears, your dad, working with an android? "No, I don't know where he is." You snarl at Connor. You get onto your dad's computer and copy all the pages about deviants.

As you're ready to go you suddenly see Hank coming to his desk. The second he sees Conner his expression becomes shocked."hello lieutenant" Conner greets, and introduces himself after that (again) "what the fuck?" Your dad says confused. "I saw you get shot in the head last night!"

You look at Connor in disbelief. "Seriously? How?" You ask, your curiousity being more powerful than your hate. Connor explains everything to you and your dad. "Freaky..." you say, genuinely freaked out. Connor just looks at you, not understanding what it feels like to be freaked out, or confused or anything really. Thats also a reason why you hate androids so much. They can't feel. You heard even deviants can't, that its just some error in their software, not real emotions. You look at your dad, who is now looking confused at you."And you?" He asks. "I was just here to get some information." You say, hoping he wont get mad. "Ill go now." you say, walking away.

As you're walking to the exit you hear your dad getting called by captain Fowler. You walk out of the office and look over your shoulder. You see Connors gaze fallowing you. It feels almost as if he is courious about you..... but he can't, right? He's just a fucking emotionless robot, right?

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