Chapter 3: At The Airport

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Liam's pov: After hanging out with the mates and packing up the snacks and getting a little sleep loubear and i woke up very early and drove to the airport.

Louis's Pov: We were at the airport exactly at 5:30AM...Liam and i texted our families to let them know they were at the airport safely just like harry, zayn ,and Niall told them to.

Louis: I Am Excited But A Bit Tired At The Same Time. * Yawns *

Liam: Boobear So Am I. * Yawns *

Louis: Glad We Got Thru Security Well...Without Any Problems.

Liam: I Am Glad Also Boobear.

~ the Lady on the speaker starts to talk ~

Lady On The Speaker: Gate 353, Flight 296 , First- Class Seating, For The 6:30AM Flight For Miami, Florida Is Boarding Right Now.

Liam: Loubear That's Us, We Have To Leave.

Louis: I Am So Excited.

Liam: So Am I.

~ The Boys Grab Their Luggage Fast And Goes In After They Both Get Their Tickets Checked and board their flight ~

Louis: wow this is amazing.

Liam: Yeah, I Know.

Louis: First - Class Seating.

Liam: Yep * popping the letter P at the end *

As They are enjoying being in first-class seating a very gorgeous flight attendant walks towards them and they both Get lost in her eyes.

Louis: Oh my goodness she is gorgeous.

Liam: Yes, She Is.

Flight Attendant: Hello, Boys My Name Is Brandi Tucker And I Will Be Helping You Both To Have An Amazing Flight To Miami, Florida And I You Need Anything Just Let Me Know.

Liam: okay we will.

Louis: We Understand.

Flight Attendant Brandi: Okay have a nice flight.

Liam: We Will.

Louis: We Sure Will.

After They Are Done Speaking To Brandi The New Flight Attendant The Both Get Ready For The Best Vacation Ever Or As The Thought.


* Gasp*

Figure Out What Things may happen in the next chapter.

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~ Nichelle

Lilo Tomlayne Sick On VacationWhere stories live. Discover now