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Here's what you need to know. June 15th, my childhood friend and me were both born. His name's Jake Yu. My name's Ileene Hang. he was born 1 hour before me. And I've known him since... Well practically birth. Plus, our mom's are besties so you would think we grew up together being best friends right...? No! He pushed me around as a kid, broke promises with me, and always stole my stuff. He was my big bully / brother, but when it came to other bullies... My only savior was Jake.

Years later, around middle school my mom left my dad... Another thing, I found out I was far more emotional than when I was younger... Oh yeah, & my only support was my dad, Jake, and his mom. Oh, another thing Jake got asked to go on a date for the first time! And he also rejected his date in a very blunt way... Which his mom and me found it to be rude, since the girl that asked him out didn't do anything wrong.

1 year later, Good News! I visited my mom and things for me were getting better. Bad News... Jake acts like he doesn't even know me anymore. Also! He dyed his hair bright pink. I guess he's off of the support list, but I finally found something I enjoy. Taking photos was the most calming thing to do when I got sad, so it's my favorite thing to do now.

Another year later... I found out my mom has committed suicide... Things weren't getting better anymore. I also Later found out how she felt, O cried about it to dad. Jake joined a random gang, and yep. Still acts like he doesn't know me. By the way, I've given up on him. But we sometimes hang out at his house...

And back to now! It's summer time and Jake and me are 16. Happy birthday to us! His mom invited my family to have cake at his house for our birthdays. After, we forgot everything and acted like we didn't know each other during the whole summer... So yay to us for at least trying...?

(That's it for this opening lol. Here's Ileene's life. Also 'Jake' had to have many name changes, so if there's a random guys name that isn't Jake, sorry...)

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