Love Letter & You'll Never Know

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Love Letter:

It's been a week of me helping Jake study and he's been learning quickly. Right now I'm at his house, but something's been bugging me since this morning. I sigh and then look at Jake and start to ramble while he continues working. "Okay so this morning I got a love letter or something from one of my close guy-friend's, and I just want to know from another close friend's opinion what you would think if I got a boyfriend." Jake looked up at me in confusion then asked me for the love letter. I handed it to him and he read it then said, "Yeah he's not right for you. Trust me, about every dude from our schools a douchebag." I laugh then added, "Does that include you?" He looks at me then rips up the love letter from my friend, and throws it out his window.

"Wow. No chill, what's up with you?" I say in a curious tone. He shifts his gaze and glares at me then places himself on his bed and speaks, "Because you're mine." I turn my head in confusion, then laugh it off as a joke. "Use that on the next girl." I say, while joining him on the bed. He grabs me and pulls me by him on the bed, we stay like that for a bit until I accidentally knock out from the sweet smell of frosting coming from him.

You'll Never Know:

Later when I wake up, I see that I'm still in Jake's embrace. I push him slightly and look at the time, "5:25PM..." I say out loud. I remembered that Jake's mom wouldn't be home until the weekend, so I decide to make dinner for us in the kitchen. I looked at the fridge and saw veggies, and meat, I decided to make stir fry.

During the middle of me making stir fry, I hear Jake coming from his room. I advert my eyes on him and smile while saying, "Hi sleepy head." Jake smiles, then yawns and comes over to wash his hands. "What're you doing...?" I say. "About to help you, what else." He says while pinching my cheek. I smile and tell him to cook some rice for dinner.

When dinner's ready, we both wash our hands and sit in the dinning room. I thank him for helping me, and we begin eating. It's silent while we eat, it was weird but then again I was used to the feeling of being ignored. Especially by Jake. After when we finish eating I did the dishes and Jake helped me, we start messing around until I suddenly dropped a plate on the floor. We both started cleaning it up but after a bit I started bleeding due to the glass on my finger, I look up at Jake and he stares at me.

After a moment of awkward staring, I get up and go to the bathroom. I start to wrap my finger with a  bandage, when I go back out into the kitchen and go back to help Jake. Jake begins to stare at me awkwardly again, I break the silence by saying, "Why're you looking at me? I'm fine, I just cut my finger..." Jake pushes the glass into the trash can then pulls me into a kiss on the forehead. I look up at him then walk away quickly to his room and get my stuff, he follows me while saying, "You've always know I've liked you, don't ignore me like this."

Right when he said that I bursted in anger yelling, "Actually, I never knew you liked me like this. And how can you say that to me?! 'Dont ignore me like this' I've never been ignoring you! I'm always making sure you're okay, you don't even know what you're talking about... You don't know what it feels like to be ignored. Because you've always ignored me..."

After I finish yelling, I leave Jake while trying not to cry. I walk back home quickly, then run into my room. I start crying.

Yay... I put 2 chapters in 1! That was hard... But yay... - Shae

My Pink Haired Bully - ShaeWhere stories live. Discover now