Aiden x Jesse

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Jesse was walking through the forest, remembering all of the adventures she and the New Order had together. She was in the middle of wondering what would happen next, when she saw Satan Incarna- I mean Aiden. "*angry sigh* What is it, Aiden?" Jesse asked, muscles tense. "Jesse, is this about how I bullied you for years, and almost blew up Sky City? Because I already apologized for all of it." he protested. "Yes, you really will say anything to get yourself out of trouble, won't you Aiden?" Jesse snapped. "Awww, come on now, that hurt and you know it!" Jesse was so angry at this point, she really let him have it. "Oh, so I see how it is. When it happens to someone else, someone that isn't as popular, or is more popular than you, it's totally fine. But when it happens to you, only then is it considered bullying! Well, I just am so sick and tired of this! I am so sick and tired of you!" Jesse shouted, tears welling up in her eyes. "Jesse, no matter how much I may hurt you...I can't stand to see you cry." "Then why don't you just LEAVE!" Jesse shouted as she slapped Aiden to the side. He looked up at her as he unsheathed his sword. "You always make me feel bad about myself! Well, I am NOT going to stand for it any longer!" she shouted as she unsheathed her sword and dashed at Aiden. He ducked at the last second. She whirled around on her feet, and ran at Aiden, fiery determination and bloodlust replacing the voice of reason in her head. Aiden tried to reason with her. "Listen, Jesse, this isn't you. Just put down the sword, and we can talk." Jesse's eyes flared with fiery anger, the exact same way Magnus's did when he was fighting her in Boomtown. "Aiden, I don't care what you say to try and save yourself. I WILL DESTROY YOU!!" she shouted. She ran over to him, and their swords clashed. They kept trying to push the other down. Jesse saw her advantage, and kicked him in the chest. He doubled over in pain. "Look, Jesse, when I said I was sorry, I meant it. Just listen!" Aiden shouted. She glared at him. "Too late! I don't believe you anymore!" she shouted. Jesse stomped down on his chest, pinning him down. Aiden had a look of pure fear on his face. She lifted up her sword so it was pointing at his throat. Suddenly, all at once, her bloodlust evaporated, and sense of reason returned, Her breath caught in her throat. "I can't do it." she whispered as she tossed her sword into the dirt, and took her foot off of Aiden's chest. Jesse turned away and slid down against a tree. She put her head on her knees, and wrapped her arms around her head, quietly sobbing. Aiden stood up, and walked over to her. "Tell me, what did I do, Aiden? What did I do to make you hate me so much?" she asked, looking up at him, her eyes red from crying. Aiden had no reply. He simply leaned over and began to hug her. "Jesse, I don't hate you. I was....*sigh* Jesse, I need to confess something." Aiden grabbed her head gently and placed his lips up against hers. Jesse seemed pretty surprised by the kiss, but then accepted it as her reality. She wrapped her arms around his neck, and gently closed her eyes. Aiden gently pulled away, looked at her, and said, "Jesse, I was jealous. I thought you were in love with Lukas. I mean, you spend a lot of time with him, so I just naturally assumed." Jesse gave him a teary smile. "Oh, Aiden. I love you too, despite everything." She buried her head in his chest. Aiden wrapped his arms around her in a gentle hug. Little did they know, Gabriel, Petra, Olivia, Ivor, Axel, Soren, Magnus, and Lukas were watching, excited expressions on their faces. "I knew it! I ship them so hard!" Olivia squealed.
*The music I added plays in the fight with Aiden*

Minecraft Story Mode Ships!!!Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz