Magnus x Ellegaard

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A/N- I am writing this story from Magnus's POV because I can. I will eventually rewrite this story from Ellegaard's POV. Anyway, enjoy this story.
"Jeesus Christ Magnus, can't you go ONE WEEK without blowing something up?" Ellegaard shouted. I rolled my eyes and sighed. This always happens. I try to do something cool to impress the others, it goes slightly wrong, and I have Ellegaard at my throat. "Oh, like you've never blown something up with one of your failed inventions!" I shouted back. "Oh, sure, I've blown things up, but (a., I have done it in the name of science, you do it for no reason, and (b., I don't blow something up every other week!" she fired back. She turned away. "I'm not even sure who let you become a member of the Order. You don't even have a proper use.", she sighed. Now, that hurt. I turned away, tiny tears forming. I didn't want to give Ellie the satisfaction of knowing that she made me cry, so I bit down on my lip hard, drawing some blood. I stormed up to my room before the tears fell, slamming my door behind me. I flopped down on my bed, mashed my face into my pillow, and had a good cry. No one knew that, beneath my egotistical, heroic personality, I was emotionally complex. Actually, scratch that. Gabriel knew. Gabriel knew all of our secrets. He never told anyone, thank Notch. Gabriel was the easiest to talk to out of all of us, for some reason. I sat up, tears gently streaming down my face. I sighed loudly and flopped back down, staring at the ceiling. I get insulted by the Order regularly, but it all eventually works itself out. But, it especially hurt to hear these insults coming from Ellie. If you want to know why, ask Gabriel, or read to the end of this story. (That's right, I just broke the fourth wall. what are you going to do about it?)
-timeskip brought to you by Magnus and Ellegaard snuggling-
I haven't so much as looked at Ellegaard for six days, and the Order has noticed. They tried to ask me, but I refused to say anything. The others knew something was wrong, and kept trying to find out. I was sitting in my room, reading Ready Player One (it was a book before it was a movie), when I heard the door open, and saw Gabriel walk in. He sat down on the bed next to me, and wrapped his arm around me. "Hey, Magnus." he said. I didn't say anything, I just kept reading. "Look, I know something happened with you. I won't force you to talk about it, just talk when you're ready," he said, looking at me. After a little bit, I sighed and set down my book. "Look, Gabriel. You know about what Ellie said a little while ago, right? Well, it just eats me up inside, because, well you know-" I was cut off by Ellie standing in the doorway, staring angrily at Gabriel. "Well? Have you found out why Magnus is all depressed yet?" she asked. I angrily turned to Gabriel. "This was just a set up?!" I shouted. Gabriel looked so guilty. I remembered all of the secrets I told him over the years, and how it seemed like he cared. I couldn't look at either one of them. "Were all the other times just a set up?" I asked. "Were all those times you cared just fake?" I shouted in his face. "Magnus, if I can just have a chance to explain-" Gabriel started. I put my hand in his face. "No." I said, tears forming in my eyes. "I don't want to hear any more of your lies." I said. I got up, pushed Ellie out of the way, and just left. I went from the house we all shared, over to our temple. I climbed up to my secret door, with a faded picture of our amulets. I lifted up my amulet, and just wished I could be in my room alone. The door turned iridescent green, and then opened. I walked inside, and it closed behing me, melting into the infinite depths and possibilities of my room in the temple. All of us have secret rooms, accessed by our amulets. The doors are just in different locations in our temple. I sat down in a miniature throne I created the very first time I was here. We can creat whatever we want in our rooms. I was sitting with my legs up against my chest, head in my arms. I tried to hold it back, but I couldn't anymore, after everything that happened. I converted my throne into a bed, with soft pillows and sheets. I also created see-through curtains that surrounded my bed. I wrapped myself up in one of the blankets on the bed, grabbed a pillow, mashed my face into it, and sobbed. Suddenly, I heard a faint voice coming from the secret access to my room. It was Ellie, of course. "Yeah, I know that I am probably the last person he would want to see, but, I just need to see him. If anything happens to him...I will never be able to live with the fact that I never was really nice to him, and basically told him that he was a disgrace to the whole Order." She was obviously on her cell phone, talking to the Order. "I know he has a secret room-we all do- I just can't seem to find the door... found it." The door opened. "I'll call you back once I find him. Bye." She hung up, and started walking around my room. "Magnus? Where are you?" I stayed silent, wishing I would turn invisible. It was slowly happening. "Look, I'm sorry about what I said, alright? I was just angry...angry and jealous." That last bit surprised me. I never knew that she was jealous of me. "You always were the more popular one. I'm just an inventor." I stayed silent. "Magnus, if you decide to stay and live here because you don't want to see me anymore because I offended you, I understand. Just know that I'm sorry." I was getting really emotional, so I became visible again. Ellie was still walking around my room. "Look, Magnus, if you're here, I need to tell you something." I sat up, and began staring at her. Suddenly, Ellie turned around, and saw me. "Magnus, I thought we had lost you!" she shouted as she jumped into my bed. She leaned her head against my chest. "Magnus, even though I may seem like I hate you, I actually really like you. Actually, I...I love you." she said as she buried her head in my chest. We wrapped our arms around each other. I ran my hands up and down her back, and begam to gently cry. Ellie pulled away. "Wait, Magnus, are you crying?" she asked. "Y-yes" I said, letting it out. Hey, she was eventually going to figure it out. "I've never seen you cry before." Ellie said. "Well, I'm full of surprises, baby." I said with an attempt to sound macho. I sighed and leaned up against her. "Ellie, I love you too." I confessed. I turned her head so she was staring at me, and kissed her right on the lips. She took out her phone and texted the Order, saying that she found me. Then, we layed down on the bed. I wrapped one arm arond her, and used the other arm to pull the blanket on top of us.

Extended Ending:
Back at the house, me and Ellie were snuggling up on the couch sith a blanket wrapped around the both of us. I yawned, and rested my head on her shoulder. "You know what's surprising?" How the Order hasn't found out that we're a thing yet." Ellie nodded. "Yeah, it is so easy for them to get caught up in yheir research and miss out on what's happening right in front of their-"
"RIGHT IN FRONT OF THEIR WHAT, ELLENGAARD?" Soren obnoxiously shouted. Gabriel just had this ridiculously huge grin on his face, and Ivor was standing, smirking in the corner. He silently held his cell phone that showed a pictur of me and Ellie spooning in my bed together. "Of course, I had to take a picture of that," Ivor said, his smug smirk unflinching.

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