Chapter Part 8

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The couple was having dinner with Mrs Kim as they couldn't reject her offer of staying over for dinner. Plus, Mark kinda missed her cooking too. Her cooking could even be better than Gordan Ramsay's. Just saying. Anyways, back to the story. The dining room was filled with sounds of metal clanking onto plates and muching sounds but no talking whatsoever. But Mark could see his mother thinking very hard on something. "Umm, mom? What are you thinking so hard about?" Mrs Kim looked at the boy and gave him a reasuring smile, telling him that it was nothing serious. Mark was obviously not convinced and was about to question again until someone shoved a piece of kimchi into his mouth. "Babe, she will tell you when the right time comes. Don't rush her okay?" Jinyoung said, making the other pout. Mrs Kim gave Jinyoung a grateful smile and continued eating.

After dinner, Mrs Kim asked Mark if he planned to move in with Jinyoung. But Mark gave her a look that clearly says he was unsure. "I don't know. A part of me wants to but another part of just doesn't want to," "Why?" "Maybe because the thought of just leaving you alone in this big house is kinda...ughhh...I don't know. Won't you be lonely?" The woman gave him a motherly smile,"Sweetie, that is so kind of you to think of that. Yes, of course I will. I will miss your presence in this house. But, I will have to let you go one day. When you become luna, you will have to leave this house anyways. I'm fine with you moving out, just promise to visit me once in awhile. I know you are going to have more duties now on so I don't expect you coming over frequently, but maybe once or twice a month is already okay for me. I just need to make sure you are healthy,"

Jinyoung felt his mate squeezed his hand. He knew that Mark would start to cry, honestly, he was too. It was touching to see a mother letting go of her child, it was a painful scene. He reminded himself to visit Mrs Kim everytime he has free time. Honestly, being a luna does not have that much duties. A luna just have to give the alpha support or advice and care for the pack. So he was sure Mark would definately come back here often.

Surprisingly, Mark did not cry. He was actually being strong in front of his mother. Mark turned towards Jinyoung and seeing the look he nodded, giving permission for Mark to sleepover. "Mrs Kim, I will be going now. I will leave Mark in your hands tonight. Have some mother-son bonding time. I will pick him up tomorrow evening. Is that fine with you?" "Of course, thank you," and with that, Jinyoung stood up and bowed to the woman. He then gave Mark a small smile, which the latter returned gratefully, and went home.

The next day

Mrs Kim was helping Mark pack until she felt the latter hugging her tightly. She wrapped her arms around his waist and rubbed his back gently. "I still remember when I brought you home. It was hard for you to open up but you still did eventually. I was alone in this house until you came. Your presence itself brought liveliness into this house. When the moment you finally call me 'mom', I was so happy. You finally accepted me as your mother. I know I can never replace your real parents but I tried my best to give you mother love that you had lost. Mark-ah, you have grown up so well. I am so proud of you. Your parents must be too. Be a great luna to your pack like how you became a good son for me," By the time Mrs Kim stopped talking, Mark's tears kept on flowing. He could never repay this woman's kindness she gave him. "I know I gave you a hard time at first. I would not speak to you, I would not eat your food, I even rejected your help. But I needed someone beside me so bad so I accepted you. And that was one of the best choice I have ever made in my life. Thank you for coming into my life. i promise to visit you as much as I can,"

Just in time, the doorbell rang. They broke the hug unwillingly and Mrs Kim helped her son to carry his stuff and luggage. The woman opened the door revealing Jinyoung. His face was guilty, he never wanted to take Mark away from her. "Mrs Kim patted his hand, signalling that it was okay. "Babe, can you go into the car first?" Mark muttered a soft 'okay' and looked at Mrs Kim longingly before he walked out of the house. They heard the car door shut and Jinyoung finally spoke up,"I know you say its okay but I am still very sorry. But I promise you that Mark will have the time to visit you often. I will make sure of that. Thank you for adopting him and giving him the love he deserves," "If you want to repay me, please make sure he is healthy and safe. That's all I want. He is a fragile boy even though he looks tough and cold on the outside," Mrs Kim said, teary eyed. "Actually, you can meet him this Saturday. We will be having a family meeting. He will meet my parents. I will come fetch you?" "Yeah sure. You are a good man. Your parents raise you well. And call me mom, we are family anyways," "Okay, mom. I will see you by then?" "Hmm," That was all Mrs Kim let out before she waved her hand at him, signalling him to go.


The whole ride was gloomy but Jinyoung did not say anything. He knew Mark needed some time to get use with not living with his mother anymore. When they arrived back at the pack house, Jinyoung looked beside him and saw his mate sleeping peacefully. He smiled softly at the scene and went out of the car. He then saw the house opened and revealed Jaebum. He mouthed to the heir,'You need help with that?" A nod was what he got before he walked towards the car and opened the bunk softly. Jaebum then took all of Mark's stuff and went back into the house. Jinyoung went to Mark's side and gently carrying him into his arms. One hand on his back and another under his legs. He paused when he felt Mark shifted gently only to snuggle into Jinyoung's chest. He sighed in relief and walked into the house. He saw everyone looking at him. He signalled them to be quiet and head towards their bedroom. He layed his mate down gently onto the bed and covered him with the blankets. Then, he went back to the living room and sat down on the couch. "So any news?" He asked Jaebum. "Yes, I did found information about the rogue. Just like we suspected, Mark's mother was someone's mate. But, the rogue that murdered his parents was not Mrs Tuan's mate. He was ordered to do it. And it was hard to find out who it was, but I eventually did. It was Lee Jun Ho.

Is It Worth It?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora