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"Come on stupid magic!" I didn't understand why my magic wasn't working at all, I was use to it, but I guess my anger from the kids on my street didn't help me at all. They always tease about my blonde hair looking like gold in sunlight, and they say my eyes weren't blue, they were green, as if I wouldn't know my own eye color. The problem is how people judge you based on your looks, and I hate that. I shot a missile spell at my wall, making a black, ash spot with smoke coming from it. I was old enough to realize how powerful my magic was, since no other kid at my school has the abilities that I do.

I turned to my bed, my cat and dragon were sleeping with each other. I have a silver Dragon that I name Iskare from Dungeons and Dragons, her eyes are sky blue, and she is about up to my forehead and has the ability to shrink, and only that. My cat was a tabby with sky blue eyes, she wore a blue collar, and she acted like a kitten a lot. They trusted me to keep them safe and sound, and they help me out when ever those kids mess with me. I grabbed out my dragon magic book and started reading it again, since I specialize in all sorts of magic, but I need to learn them one at a time.

I flopped on the bed and layed against Iskare, we all had a bond when I turned 12, so that bond was special and strong. I'm now 14, and yet I still can't control my powers. Just as I was reading, I heard someone knocking on my bedroom door. "What is it?" I said through the door.

My mom opened the door, she looked at me, then saw the back burnt spot on my light blue walls. "Testing your magic, I see." I rolled my eyes, I wasn't in the mood. I put my book down, then crossed my arms, "What do you want?" My mom walked over to the bed and sat on it, "I have something I need to tell you." Suki walked onto my stomach and curled up to sleep, I stroke her while I listened. "You are getting send to a new school, a school called Royal High." My eyes were wide in shock.

I heard of Royal High before, it's a boarding school for Princesses and Princes, and it's rather a magical place. "But mom, I'm not a princess, why am I going?" My mom shrugged, "I don't know myself, but their headmaster came and talked to me, and she wanted to take you there tomorrow." I didn't know what to think.

I could go because of my magic, but I'm not a princess, I'm a normal mortal, I'm lower than someone who is royal. I looked at Suki and Iskare, what will I do with them? "I told the Headmaster that you have pets, and she said that you can bring them, so they'll also be given the care they need as well." I looked back at my mom, there was no way I could attend, but I can't reject the headmaster, this is an honor to attend this school. I closed my eyes and took a deep breathe, then I spoke to my mom. "Alright, I'll go. But I'll have to be careful about my magic powers now."

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