Chapter 3

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"Thanks for helping me finish unpacking" I told Arianna, we became friends pretty fast. She shrugged, "Its nothing, besides, your animals are really cool." I was putting on my shoe, the school gave me a new outfit to wear, besides the one I was wearing when I first arrived here. I wore glittery hot pink boots, that were more like sneakers, that went up to my knees. I wore a pink dress with silver necklaces keeping it on and over my neck, my skirt wasn't too short, but I wore my black shorts still. I wore silver bracelets on my upper part of my arms, and I wore amethyst earrings, heck, were ever I had a gem, it was an amethyst. "You look pretty" Arianna said, I shrugged. I told her my secret I have to keep from the students, so she knows why I wore this.

"But do I look like I'm a princess?" I asked, she nodded, "You look as if your from a rich family, at least." I sighed, then looked at my alarm clock, we had time to grab some lunch. We head out and Arianna took me to the... Launch Pad? "Can you fly?" I nodded, then we ran down the pad and started to fly, we flew underneath it, which lead to the cafeteria. When we landed, I was trying to take in what just happend, then we grabbed lunch.

I had to hurry, because Arianna wanted to help me get a locker. Luckly I'm a fast eater, so we flew to some lockers. We head straight out, and down a large row of staircases, then there was this big area, where on my right were lockers and a glass panel showing the pool, on my left were classes, and in the center was with weird looking elevator with seats. We started walking, then I went over to a empty locker, and it turned out that it was next to Arianna's locker. I turned to my left to see that it had Jason's name on the locker, so I was next to him as well.

I looked at my next class, and it turned out that I had the same classes as Arianna, and we both had P.E. I saw Arianna look at her watch, "Gloria, I need you to touch my watch." I didn't understand why, but I did as I was told, then a bright light appeared, and we teleported to a track.

I was standing wobbly, I couldn't believe that I just teleported. "Is this how you get to classes?" I asked. Arianna nodded, "Every student uses it, but we can't bring our pet's, so your dragon and cat have to stay at our room."

I looked around to see others teleporting to class. The teacher teleported in front of us. "Good afternoon class, you know what you must do, you'll be running this track, because every single human must know how to make it through the toughest things, even if it's surviving in the wild." "Don't worry, It's just around the school" I heard Arianna tell me. I then saw something move from the corner of my eye, when I turned, I saw Jason sitting next to us on the grass. "Oh, hey Jason!" Arianna greeted him, he whispered to us, "I had to get away from the other girls, they get too much at times." The teacher continued, "You must complete the course and ring the bell at the top of the tower, and remember, your powers are disabled." I was wondering why I felt powerless.

We then lined up at the starting line. I was prepared, but when I saw hurtles, I thought I'll fail. "Go!" Everyone took off running, but I also realized that people were teaming up on the hurtles. When I ran at one, I felt something springy underneath me, that helped me get over. I tuned to face Arianna and Jason, they nodded, we were going to help each other on this. Once we finished the hurtles, we had to climb up these walls, and walk across balance boards, I was afraid of looking down, I nearly fell, but Jason and Arianna caught me just in time. Then we had to jump from rock to rock, luckly I'm a master at that, I'm good when it comes to jump off of something. Next we had to walk across water, which was up to your wast, so that was difficult for all of us. I was glad it was more running, we all looked at each other, then we each took of at our own speed, trying to see who'll be the first to reach the bell.

I could see five ropes attached to walls that we had to climb, and I wasn't to excited. We all started climbing, and we were doing well. The walls there very tall, and the others looked as if they were about as short as if they were up to my knees. I kept climb, but then my foot slipped, and I started sliding. Arianna called out to Jason, and he let go a part of his rope, grabbed on to the lower part, and swinged over to me, able to catch me, while we were swinging back and forth. Jason was holding on to the rope with one hand, the other held me, I could hear him grouning from the rope burn on his hand.

I heard Arianna call out to us, "Try swinging back to your rope, then grab on Gloria!" I looked at Jason, we heard as well, then started making the rope swing closer to my rope, till he let go of me. I caught the rope, but my hands started hurting, and they were red, I continued to climb. All three of us reached to the bell, and hit it with all our might, then walked to the seats at the top of the tower. After everyone came, we were teleported off nest to the tower. I fell to my knees huffing and puffing, ad my hands were killing me. I'm glad that my powers were enabled again, but my healing power will take a long time to heal my hands.

Arianna started to sit in the grass, as well as Jason, we were tired. "Man, that was tiring" Arianna sighed. They started talking, then I relieved something about Jason, his hands weren't red!! Jason then turned to me and stared at my hands, "Rope burn too, huh?" I nodded, trying to prevent the pain from getting over me. Jason grabbed my hands, then grabbed something from him pocket, it was a container of hand cream. He started rubbing it on my hands, and almost that fast they weren't red anymore. "H-how!?" I was speechless.

Jason shrugged, "It's a special cream I use, it heals any burns really fast, it's magical. Arianna, do you need some?" Arianna started during some on her hands. I can't believe that I already have two friends already, and this is my first hour here.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2018 ⏰

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