Chapter 2

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Just as I left the headmaster's office, the lady at the desk greeted me. "Hello there, Gloria. I'm Miss Alyssa, and may I say that your dragon and cat are really cute." Iskare and Suki started purring from the compliment, "They said thank you, and it's nice to meet you." She smiled and looked back at her desk, "Jason's waiting." I walked through the doors to see Jason sitting on the ground reading a book, I wandered how he got it that fast. He looked up then jumped up after closing his book, he was full of energy. "Well, I'm assuming it went well?" I nodded, then we went into the hallway, the way I saw my stuff head through.

The hallway was dark a bit, they had torches lighting the way, I was beginning to get scared, of a past experience. When ever I experience something, most likely is that will trigger a memory I had, and this was making me remember something dark. I felt my knees fall to the ground, turning to ice, my eye color turn to a icy shade of blue, Iskare wrapped her wing around me, then Suki went up to Jason and started meowing at him.

The past I was remembering hurt, it hurted so much that I though I was going to pass out. Just as I was falling backwards, I felt something pull me forwards again. I opened my eyes to see Jason looking at me, his blue eyes were concern. I realized what happened, I was in his arms!! And he was hugging me!! I must have started blushing, because I felt my temperature rise. "Are you alright, you nearly fell?" Jason asked. I nodded, "I-I'm fine, I just..."

Jason started to stand, then helped me up onto my feet, he still held on to me. For a moment, I forgot that he was a prince, mainly because he didn't act like one. "Are you sure? I saw you shaking, and I felt an icy cold breeze past, and it's rather warm in here." I took a deep breathe, then spoke in a clear voice, "I'm fine, really, I just felt homesick, that's all." Jason let go of me, "Alright." I could tell that he wasn't convinced. We continued up the stairs, then I felt wind, the breeze from outside. We exit the hallway to find my self surrounded by paths of stairs, two dorm rooms on my right, and the rest were on the steps to my left. I followed Jason to the dorm further down the path, since their were two dorms on this floor, the were separated by a red floor that said "Launch Pad" and it led to a beautiful building. We went inside the dorm room to find a door on each side of the room, and up ahead was a huge glass wall that opened to go onto the balcony. On the left wall was a big screen tv on top of a fire place, the right side had beanbags, and a little stool to put things on. The door on the right had a name on it, and it read "Arianna", so I was guessing I must be rooming with a girl with that name.

"The other door leads to your bedroom, and don't worry, all of your stuff have been placed in there" Jason told me. I then saw him look at his wrist, it had a watch, so he was checking the time. "Oh shoot, if I hurry, I'll be able to gather all the stuff I need to make up during lunch, you can stay or go to the cafeteria, they serve all three meals." I nodded, then I saw him look at my wrist, "Don't you have your own watch?" I looked at my right hand, "No, I never had one since I was in elementary school." I could see Jason about to ask why, but I turn away. He then spoke, "Oh, I see, well then, I hope you settle in, each dorm has an alarm clock, so that'll be easy for you." I then saw him bring a piece of paper out of his pocket, then he handed it to me. "I give every student my phone number, that way the can contact me when ever they need help." I smiled and grabbed it, "Thank you, but I don't do to well with phone numbers, since my smartphone is about as big as my palm."

Jason started laughing, "Mine too, I prefer it since it stays in my pocket better." He then headed for the door, but turned to toss me some keys, "You'll need them, I'll see you around." I waved goodbye to him, then turned to my room, Iskare and Suki were unpacking everything and putting them away. I started putting stuff onto my desk, then I heard the door open. I walked out to see a girl with long black hair come in, she wore black and purple clothes, and wore a red flannel shirt tied around her waste. "Oh, I didn't noticed you've arrived here already." So this was my new roommate, I put out my hanf, "Hi I'm Gloria, I'm your new roommate." She shook my hand, "I'm Arianna, but you probably knew based on my door. I'm not like every other princess here, I'm not too girly." I started laughing, "I'm not either!"

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