Chapter 1

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"Are you done packing yet!?" I heard my mother calling to me. I had just finished the last suitcase I was bringing. I was allowed to bring 7 suitcases and 5 bags, so I was trying to figure out what to bring. Luckly I could bring pretty much all of my things, plus my animal care bag for Iskare and Suki. I headed down stairs, to were my mom was talking to this lady. "Ah, Gloria, this is the headmaster, her name is Sandra." Sandra wore a bun in her hazel brown hair, and she wore a shrug over her velvet red dress. "Hello Gloria, are those your pets?" I turned to Iskare and Suki, "Suki's my familiar and Iskare is also a familiar." Sandra nodded, she signal to the man next to her to grab my stuff and put in the vehicle we were taking. I went outside to see that the vehicle was a limo chariot, it was long like a limo, but pulled by horses. I looked at the horses, they looked healthy, then I remember, that school has the most amazing creatures you can find, as well as they take care of all the animals.

I went inside, the inside was like a limo, but the seats were softer, and the driver sat outside, like you sit in a chariot. I sat on the left side of the limo, Iskare sat next to me and Suki went onto my shoulder. The headmaster sat in front of me, "This is the Liariot, and you could probably tell what it is." I nodded, then I felt the horses pull, we were moving. I wasn't use to riding in one of these things, and I didn't know how we were going to get to the school.

"This must feel weird, doesn't it? Your going to a school ment for Royalty, and yet you've been raised as a normal girl" Sandra started talking. I started talking as well, "I'm excited on going because I know how magical your school is, and my powers are like nothing anyone has ever seen before, yet I still need to control them." Sandra nodded, "I know about that part, in fact, I know that you specialize in every single magic there is, but have yet to control it."

I shrugged, then Sandra looked out the window, "Look, do you see were we are?" I looked out the window to see us on a freeway, and below, I could see a magnificent forest. We got off the freeway and headed towards a building in the distance. When I looked closer, I thoutgh I saw a castle, but it turned out that wasn't true, that was the school! I saw a river once we crossed over a bridge, and the school came in better view, it was pink and blue. Suki, Iskare, and I were really amazed at the school, we saw people outside, saw marvelous different creatures, and saw some other parts of the school that weren't connected.

I was so amazed that I jumped when the door began to open. A boy with light blonde hair peeked in. He wore blue and white to match his blue eyes, but the clothes were really light. "Headmaster, you've return!" Sandra nodded, "And I brought a guest." He turned to me and nodded. "Gloria, this is Jason, he's a student, but also an assistant to our school, need any help, you can ask him." He put out his hand towards me, I grabbed it and shook it, "Nice to meet you." He grinned at me, "Same here." He then helped me out of the car. I stood and looked at the school, it was so beautiful. Jason helped Sandra out of the vehicle, then she called some people to get my stuff. Suki, Iskare, and I couldn't stop looking at the school.

"It's amazing, isn't it?" I jumped back to realize it was only Jason. "Sorry, were you lost in thought? I didn't mean to scare you." I stood back up, "I'm fine, I get scared very easily." I looked out through the corner of my eye to see three girls staring at Jason, they were blushing! I guess a lot of girls like Jason, and I guess they were jealous, because they started glaring at me. I turn to Jason, who was staring at the girls, he must have noticed them watching, soon enough they went inside.

Sandra turned to us, "Now, are you ready? We'll head straight to my office, then to your new room." I nodded, then we climbed the steps and headed inside. Once we got in, we started to quicken our pace, and I heard Sandra telling the students to get to class. Everyone was staring at me.

I felt awkward with everyone's eyes one my neck. We passed lockers and headed up more stairs till he hit the floor with the cafeteria, then turned right, I saw a huge yellow door, and next to it, on my left, was a hallway. We went through the yellow doors, but the guy carring my stuff went through the hallway. When we were inside, a girl with black hair, in a braid and sore red glasses, greeted us as we pass. "Morning Mrs. Sandra and Jason." They gave their greetings as we passed by.

We went through another set of doors, then went inside. The room had a giant glass wall on the left side, and in front of us was a desk. We went over and took a seat, while Sandra sat behind the desk. "Now, Jason, can you wait outside my office?" Jason bowed then turned to the door. Iskare and Suki went closer to me. "Now, your mother did the paper work, all we need now is your permanent signature." Sandra passed over to me a pen and paper, then sat still, waiting for me to sign. "Why and how am I able to attend this school?" I asked, I didn't want to sign untill I know why. Sandra sighed, "Would you believe me if I told you that you were royalty? Your the descendent of a famous and magnificent royal family that people thought vanished." My eyes grew wide, I didn't know that, "What happened to them?" Sandra put her arms on her desk, "A certain royal family forced something upon them, causing them to loose the title and secretly live normal lives." I could understand that. Sandra continued, "That blood line that destroyed them is still around, in fact, we have a descendent to them here at our school." I gripped onto my hand, I don't understand why I didn't know about this. "I know it's surprising, but we had people threaten to kill people who are related to your ancestors, so we want to protect you."

I looked at Sandra's green eyes, then grabbed the pen and signed the document. I looked up to see Sandra handing me a little tiara, "We give all our students one, you collect gems for it, if you get all of them, you'll be able to graduate early, or other things. Your first gem is your birthstone, so you have an amethyst." The amethyst was shaped like a star, she took it and placed it on my head, I felt magic in it, so maybe it had magic that will allow it to stay one. "Now, Jason will take you to your new dorm room, you may leave now" Sandra told me with a smile, then looked back at her desk to do some paper work.

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