" How often do you think he lied to us?"

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Tsuki was perched on a roof beam, reading a newspaper. More so for the comics, not the actual news. She did not care.
Job offers, ads, local charities, and people selling things in the area filled up the pages with colored mascots and loud lettering.
Once she finished with the comic, which was a little mochi sweet talking about the crippling economic status of a fish market, she continued to glaze over it.
New technology, ads, bank robbery, ads, obituary, and missing persons. She almost wanted to look at that, but decided she wanted to lay down and sleep.

" Tsuki! Have you seen my box cutter knife?" Yokai asked, walking into the large, empty warehouse she was sitting above. He was holding an unmarked brown box.

Tsuki sighed.
" No, what does it look like?"

" It's the blue one with the yellow dot in the middle. The one I use to open every package we receive." Yokai said.

" Why? We got a one?" She pulled out her green-handled switchblade.

" Yeah. And I don't know who it's from." Yokai sighed.

" Here, use this," Tsuki tossed the knife down to him, " but I want it back."

On the way down, it smacked Yokai in the face. He fumbled with it, before it hit the grounds.

" Wow. Hands-Hikari over here." Tsuki chuckled.

" You startled me!" Yokai said, picking the knife up.

" What's in the package?" Tsuki jumped down from the rafters and landed next to him.

" I haven't opened it yet." Yokai undid the knife before plunging it into the box. He cut down the tape, which made a harsh, unforgiving scraping noise. Cardboard dust flew up and disappeared.

" Maybe it's a set of tweezers so you can take the stick out of your ass." Tsuki chuckled.

" No, it's...it's a...a plastic white box." He slid it out of the cardboard. " And it has a logo on it."

" What's the company?"  Tsuki cocked her head.

Yokai cocked his head. " I can't really read it, it says—"

" —Let's just take it to Arikadou. He probably won't want us nosing around more than we already have." Tsuki countered.

" You're right. Is he busy?" Yokai asked, standing all the way up while holding the box.

" He's probably with some hookers. That boy is going to have erectile dysfunction by the time he's twenty if he doesn't quit it with these broads." Tsuki rolled her eyes. " Viagra-lookin' ass."

Yokai held back a chuckle. They both walked out the door of the warehouse and got into Yokai's car.

Driving to where Arikadou currently resided was a bit tedious, but it had to be done to keep his whereabouts safe.

That was the thing; Arikadou currently was the leader of one of the biggest villain gangs in all of Japan. He referred to it as "The Bastard Children Of Atticus," but it was just shortened to " Bastard Sons," (or daughters, depending on who was asking.) It had grown in popularity after Arikadou killed, in cold blood, the leader of the rival gang. Tsuki remembered watching it, and she had honestly been shocked.

" If he wants a fight, I'll give it to him." Arikadou said. " And I will not hesitate to kill him if he does not yield."

Sure enough, the man hadn't yielded. He continued to yell obscenities at Arikadou, and his closest members were begging him to give up.

" It really is a shame we ruled out the usage of quirks." Arikadou looked at the rings on his fingers. " My cadavers would have ended your pathetic life much quicker than this will."

The Unfortunate Splitting of Regiment SixWhere stories live. Discover now