" Why would /he/ do it?"

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Needless to say, Yahiro was absolutely furious. She was currently sitting in the waiting room, nearly close to tears as she faced the wall. News reporters were flocking the hospital. Luckily, the police were keeping them under control.

Miyako was growing drowsy from sitting in the quiet room. Chihiro was attempting to choke back tears as she cried into her hand, and Eumsong was pacing with worry.

" God, I hate this. I really fucking hate this." Yahiro took a deep breath. " Who in their right mind would attack two defenseless kids?!"

" Gang members. I'm trying to think of anything else, but it's got to be gang members." Eum put her head in her hands. " It's Arikadou. It has to be him, he's the only one who would target them."

" Don't—" Yahiro reached toward them, before shutting her eyes and clenching her fist.

" A-Arikadou?" Chihiro's lip wobbled. " N-No, no, he wouldn't...he would never...he loves us!"

" He loved, Chihiro. He loved you." Miyako said, from the brink of slumber. " I'm not usually the voice of reason...but I think we all need to calm down...and start investigating again."

" We almost died last time!" Yahiro protested.

" The cops said they would handle it," Eum sighed.

" The cops never do anything—!" Chihiro shrieked. " He needs help, guys. Arikadou is just really sick, and he needs to get better, but none of us are seeing the signs! We have to find him!"

" You're being dense." Yahiro folded her arms tightly. " We're never going to find him. He doesn't want to be found."

" Yes, he does! Every person who is lost deserves to be looked for!" Chihiro said. The entirety group immediately thought of their various friends who were lost.

" Under that logic, we must try and get Kohaku back too, you realize., Yahiro said.

Chihiro nodded. " I miss her too. Though she was mean and snarky, and...well...that's basically her whole personality, I want her safe just like I want all of us safe!"

Yahiro sighed and reached into her bag.

Out of the blue, a knock came on the door. A doctor opened it.

" Are they okay? Are they dying?!" Yahiro reached all the way into her bag and started to pull something out.

" No, no, they're fine! Both of them are conscious. They want to see you four." The doctor said.

The group breathed a sigh of relief.

" Thank god." Miyako smiled.

Yahiro slung her bag onto her shoulder and walked with the girls to the hospital room. Two police officers were there, talking with the kids already.

" Can you give us a play by play of what happened?" One of them asked Yura.

" While it's still fresh in your mind." The other woman said.

" Well...we called a taxi because we got scared to walk to my friend's house." Yura tapped her cheek. " I mean, all of us have been staying there off and on because of needing closeness."

" I understand." The police officer, a woman with red hair, began to write this down. " The students you mentioned earlier?"

" Yes," Yura nodded. " and we were going really good until we passed the intersection closest to the accident."

" On the right side of the car, there was a black van that ran a stop sign," Kiyoshi added.

The Unfortunate Splitting of Regiment SixWhere stories live. Discover now