Kion and Lilly

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Kion's POV. When Kion and Annie met each other and talked to his group. Kion was sleeping peacefully until he was worried and selfish about her not joining the crew but letting her be guard this made Kion wake up. Kion know what to do. He got up try to fine out where Lilly at so he went on ground and started finding her. He then founded her sleeping in a peaceful area Kion went up to her quietly and waked her up. "Hey wake up I wanna have a word with you." "Yeah did I did something wrong?" "Oh no you haven't I was just worried and." "Wait wait what do you mean I was worried?" "I felt selfish and worried about you that I rejected you from not being in are crew but just being a guard is well boring." "Hey it's ok you don't have to be in a bad mood you don't have to be selfish or worried I understand but do you really want me in your crew? Besides you are the leader of this." "Well to make me feel better and I not selfish yes I really want you in it." Lilly and Kion agreed on being a crew Lilly had gotten her very own mark. "Ok so the rest of the other crews are asleep but I don't feel sleepy right now." "Yeah me neither what should we do Kion?" I can show you the cave I sometimes sleep in." "Yeah let's go there I always wonder what it looks like." "Just wait and see." Kion and Lilly went to Kion cave but first they needed to go up the mountain. "Hey Kion what was the enemy's you have to deal with?" "The enemies are hyena's which is Janja, the jackals and scar."wait I thought scar was dead he's not?!" "He was dead but he came back from the lava pit but not really fully back he's just one of those legends." "Ok if scar a legend does that make your father a legend?" "Yeah he is also a legend." "Ok that made sense." Kion and Lilly made it up top of the mountain then Kion showed Lilly the cave Kion sometimes sleep on. "So this is the cave you like it?" "Wow this is actually a great cave did your father founded it?" "Yeah he always be in that cave?" That's really cool." Kion and Lilly were talking on the cave. They been talking for over 15 minutes Kion and Lilly were worn out. "Hey Kion I'm about to sleep right now I'm worn out." "Wait Lilly." Yeah Kion you seem worried." You know instead of you sleeping outside why not you can sleep with me in the cave don't you?" "Hmm Yeah that could fun besides I don't enjoy myself being alone." Kion and Lilly was finally about to sleep but then Lilly did something. Lilly sleep right next to Kion and kissed him in the cheeks and said. "Goodnight leader." Kion was surprised then he sleep happily with Lilly.

The Lion guard, a new Lion Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora