Solo mission

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When Lilly was done talking to Kion about his plan for war. She was outside in a peaceful area in the pridelands but then a zebra went up to me wanted to tell me something. "Excuse me but do you work for the Lion guard?" "Yes I do, do you need help?" "Yes there's crocodiles didn't have enough food so there trying to eat one of the zebra's So you need to solve this problem." "Alright I'll do my best lead me the way." The zebra started leading Lilly where the crocodile are currently in right now and they were in the location where Kion sees them at. "Ok zebra I can take it from here just stay back." "Ok be safe." Lilly started going towards the crocodile's to give them a word. "Hey which one is your crocodile leader?!" "I'm the leader." This crocodile look different then the other ones this one is a different color. "Ok so why are you harming the zebra's?" "Well this one zebra said he will give us meat but instead didn't gave us anything so we have to kill that zebra." "Well killing isn't the answer how about I'll give you meat and there's meat to your far left." The crocodiles looked where Lilly said and they were meat over there. "Ok fine we'll leave you alone for now ok boys let's get the meat!" The crocodiles started going towards the meat and then the zebra and Kion came where I'm at. "Hey Lilly this zebra said something about the crocodile trying to eat the zebra's did you solve the problem?" "Oh yes I did Kion but this zebra basically betrayed them trying to get them angry and was gonna eat the zebra's and also him but I didn't started a fight I gave them advice." "Oh ok and you zebra did you learn your lesson not to betray others including enemies?" "Yes I will not." Ok good now get out and go with the rest of the zebra's. And you Lilly I wanna have a peaceful walk with you well if you wanna do it do you?" "Yeah I'll have a walk with you." Lilly and Kion started going on a peaceful walk in the pridelands.

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