Lions plans

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Lilly's POV. When Lilly woken up from her sleep she then felt something from her body she looks what was touching her and it was Kion just touching my mark. Lilly didn't want to startle him just yet she turned the other side like she was sleepy then Kion went over her from the other side but before he gets his last leg over Lilly grabbed Kion's back leg then made Kion fell down. Lilly got up quickly then pinned Kion to the ground. "Now what were you doing leader?" "Oh err nothing." "Hey don't lie to me you never lie to allies dooooo you?" "Ok fine I was just touching your mark." And why were you doing that?" Because it was softer then mines." "Well I can kinda agree to that." Lilly got off of Kion and Kion had something planned but it was serious. "Ok so Lilly sensed this is your first time having to do with something even though that you joined yesterday we have a war coming up." "Ok I'm listening." "So Lilly me and Janja started a war long time ago but Janja and me forgot about until my father told me that I had a war I was supposed to do it was my chance so I set up plans for the attacking and The protecting." "So what I did was to have lions side to side so that the hyena's including Janja's clan and also the jackals may attack in the middle in a straight line but there's a chance that they may split up into 10 sense there's only 2 ways to get up to the mountain so they would put 10 jackal's and 10 hyena's which includes only Janja and his crew are gonna be here but not the leader." "Ok how come you didn't say lion's show be up here to guard the mountain?" "Well I keep thinking I could do this myself but to come to think of it I might probably fail guarding the mountain myself so I would send 6 Lion's guarding the entrance to the left side of the mountain the right side of the entrance and the entrance of the cave but it's your decision of you neither guarding those entrances." "Ok I'll think about it but don't you have skilled Lions?" "Well one of am are good at attacking some of them are good at guarding but you on the other hand you are good at both." Thank you Kion." Lilly went up to Kion and give him a kissed in the cheeks then Kion feels confident already about the war.

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