yay 5 more ship opinions

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More requests from smollerJeweled (Btw your groupchat AU is the greatest thing ever)

Marker X Stapy (I don't know the ship name lmao)

I'm cool with this one honestly, I was never too attached to this ship, but I see why it could work and I wouldn't object (hyuck hyuck) to it happening in the show (although it probably wouldn't happen)



I have mixed feelings about this one. I mean, I've never been too keen on those ships where it's basically like one is an admirer/fan of the other (Like this ship and losercake) but at the same time I could see why it's a thing and I've seen cute fan art of it as well.



This one is cute, I could see why it's a thing, although I kind of ship Ruby with Bubble a bit more.



I'm more of a Coinpin person (Since it's basically canon now) but I'm starting to like this ship more lately, for some reason.



Ehhhh I like these two as a platonic relationship, and I'm more of a Tren person anyway. There were a few episodes where I shipped it a little, but those were back in season 1.

4.5/10 I could see why it's a thing, but it's not really my cup of tea lmao

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