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It's 6:00 am. You heard someone entering your room and you knew it was your dad. He grabbed a pillow from your bed and threw it in your face, you groan.

"Wake up and get ready for school!" He yelled.

You got up and quickly wash yourself up. This year was your final year in school and the only thing you look forward to school is the new building. Your school had just finished renovating and you're excited to see how your school looks like.

When you reached your school gate, you saw your best friend, Annie waiting for you to go in together.

"Finally you're here!!!" Annie said.

You gave an apologetic smile and said "Sorry Anne (you called her Anne for short) the bus took forever!" You hugged her and both of you entered the school.

As we are walking down the halls to get to our designated classroom. I was shocked at how the school looks. I turned to my left and right, make a slow spin and 'wow' was the only thing that came out from my mouth as I was taking in this new and unfamiliar environment.

We reached our classroom and we found two spots near the window. I sat at the second last row while Anne sat at the last row behind me.

"OMG!!! Do Kyungsoo is going to be in our class!!!" The girl beside me squealed to her group of friends, I rolled my eyes and sighed. I felt a tap on my shoulder,

"Hey did you hear what that girl said?!" Anne asked me.

"Yup" I replied with my eyes closed and my head resting on my palm.

Anne got out of her seat and plopped herself next to me. I frowned at that sudden movement and made some space for her to seat on my chair. She pushed my hand that was supporting my head away causing my head to bang on the table.

"YAH!!! What was that for!" I open my eyes only to see a curious looking Anne.

"Why aren't you excited? Kyungsoo is the hottest and most popular guy in school and he is going to be in our class! Aren't you happy about that or at least excited like the rest of us?!" Anne asked curiously.

I just gave her the 'are you kidding me' face. I sighed and faked a small smile and sarcastically said

"Yes! I'm so excited!! I CAN'T WAIT!"

I resumed back to my expressionless face and stared at her and said

"happy now? Now leave me alone" I playfully pushed Anne out of my chair and went back to sleep.

I woke up to the sound of my teachers voice.

"GOOD MORNING CLASS! I'm Ms Yong and I'll be your math teacher throughout the year."

I heard the sound of dragging chairs which indicates students getting up from their seats to greet the teacher. I slowly stood up from my seat while having my eyes closed. The whole class greeted the teacher and sat back down. I quickly sat down and lean my back against the chair and threw my head back onto the desk behind me. Knowing that Anne was behind me, I stretched out both of my hands to reach behind for the table that is behind me. I was trying to stretch myself out and also wanting to irritate Anne when I felt someone poke my side.

After greeting the teacher I kept thinking and replaying the scene where Kyungsoo walked up to my seat asking me ever so politely whether I could shift to another table. I blushed and moved myself to the table beside (y/n) 's. I quickly snap out of my daydream at the thought of (y/n). Knowing (y/n) she would probably do something to irritate me now, but she didn't know that I have switched places. I quickly turn to (y/n). I see that she still have her eyes closed, both of her hands were stretched out reaching for the table behind her. Yup I was right. I quickly poke her side to stop her from doing what she was doing.

I opened my eyes and turned to the person that is poking me. My eyes widened when I see Anne sitting on the seat that is beside mine. I froze at my position and thought to myself 'if Anne is sitting beside me, then who the hell is behind me?' After realisation that someone was definately behind me and freezing in that position for 10 seconds, I quickly retreat my hands and sit up straight. I slowly turned my head, wanting to know whose personal space I've been intruding.

My eyes met with a huge looking pair of doe eyes staring at me innocently. My eyes widened when I realised that the person is Kyungsoo. I gave an apologetic smile, apologised and turn my head back to the front.

When I entered the classroom, I found that my favourite spot has been taken by a girl. I walked up to her and asked her whether I could have her seat, luckily she agreed. After greeting the teacher, I sat back down. Then the girl in front of me lay her head on my table and threw her hand over her head. Now her hands are right in front of my face, I guess she was stretching? Then the girl that changed her place for me was sitting on the seat next to her. She poked her, the girl in front of me froze her position. I stared at her as she straightened herself up. When she turned around and realised that it was me, I thought she would smile like how all the girls usually smile when they see me. But instead she gave me an apologetic smile and said sorry and nothing more. What no squealing? No blushing? Nothing!

"RIINNNGGGG!!!!!" Finally it's our break. I hook my arms around Anne's and we walked together to the cafeteria. We bought our food and took a seat at an empty table. We both started digging in and suddenly I remembered the question that have been bugging me to ask Anne but since it was during lesson I did not have a chance to ask her.

"Why did you change your seat?" I asked her.

"Oh, that's because Kyungsoo wants to seat there. " She answered with a smile.

I'm feeling so angry right now. How could he just order Anne around isn't seats based on first comes first served basis?

"And you let him?! WHAT A JERK! HOW COULD HE! YOU SAT THERE FIRST! URGH! Just because he's the most popular guy in school he thinks he can get what he wants?!" I said slightly shouting.

"No (y/n) he asked me very politely and I allowed him! It's not his fault." Anne said.

"Oh! So you are the stupid one who stupidly gave up your seat without telling me?!" I said rolling my eyes and glaring back at her.

"Sorry I wanted to tell you but I...I... " before she could finish her sentence I cut in and said

"You were too busy daydreaming about him." She smiled shyly and nodded she then asked you a question

"Why don't you like him?" I looked at her and said

"That's because I hate how cold he is and how he thinks by being cold is cool."

"He is not cold!" Anne said defending him.

"Oh really have you seem him smile before? No."

With that, Anne had nothing to say. For the past 4 years I've never really seen him smile before even with his friends.

After eating my food, I asked Anne whether she would want to explore the new school with me since we have 30 minutes left before break is over. We walked and explore 1/4 of the school before the bell rings which indicates that it's time for the next lesson.

LAST YEAR OF SCHOOL (EXO - DO KYUNGSOO)Where stories live. Discover now