Chapter 19

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"Stay still," Clint ordered.

Bucky chuckled, "You done yet?"

"Almost... Done!" Clint smiled, putting the cap back on his Sharpie. "Do you like it?"

Bucky held his metal arm to his face and saw a little black star. He also saw some writing as well. "Cool arm-man," Buck read.

"Yeah, you have a cooler arm than Iron Man!"

Bucky chuckled, "Don't let Stark hear you say that."

All of a sudden...

"Intruder alert!" Said a loudspeaker. The room turned red, and everything started going on lockdown.

"Bucky?" Clint started to cry.

Bucky picked up Clint and held him to his chest, "We're okay, buddy," Buck said even though he was unsure himself.

All of a sudden...

"Very weak security, MODOK is not impressed." A flying head started flying towards Bucky and Clint. "So it's true, the mighty Hawkeye has reverted to his young self." MODOK started flying closer to the two heroes.

"Computer?" Bucky shouted, backing away.

"Weapon defense system activate." The computer soon made the room turn into a giant battleground with beams, lasers, and more shooting at one another.

Bucky dove behind the couch and shielded Clint's head, "Computer? Escape route?"

"Currently, everything is blocked off, but weapons are available." A large gun appeared in front of Bucky.

"Bucky?" Clint asked.

"It's going to be okay," Bucky assured. All of a sudden A.I.M agents started disappearing through portals and some being dragged to dusty rooms.

"Attack!" MODOK shouted.

"Hail Hydra!" shouted a voice.

"Hydra too?" Bucky groaned.

"Hydra?" Clint asked.

"We're going to run, I'll carry you but if something happens to me run," Bucky said, grabbing Clint and holding him to his chest.

"Sir, the Avengers are escaping!" Shouted one of the A.I.M agents.

Bucky started shooting at Hydra and A.I.M agents, "Computer?"

"They are rubber bullets, sir," the computer said, "Also, exits are not available."

"Darn it," mumbled Bucky. He looked at the window and then at Clint, "Hold on, do not let go." Bucky rushed over to the window, and they jumped out.

As the two Avengers fell, Bucky was expecting impact until he felt someone grab his leg. A couple of inches from the ground, Bucky clung to Clint and looked at who saved him. "Doctor Strange!" Bucky smiled.

Doctor Strange didn't smile; instead, he opened a portal to Hydra Island. "Hail Hydra," Doctor Strange said.

"Strange?!" Bucky was confused. Just then, he felt his arms being tied up. He managed to drop Clint, though. "Clint, find Ant-Man!" Bucky was dragged to the portal. Strange saw Clint and tried to catch him, but Clint ran.

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