Chapter 21

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Clint didn't even hesitate; he wrapped his arms around the costumed stranger.

Ant-Man jumped a little in shock but wrapped his arms around the tiny Avenger. "Ready to get to safety?"

"Yes," Clint sniffed.

"Hang on." Ant-Man gave Clint a small Pym disk. The minute Ant-Man hit the button on his glove, they both shrank immediately.

"WHOA!!" Clint smiled.

"It's awesome, right? Alright, let's call for some rides." Ant-Man put his hand on his helmet, and all of a sudden, dozens of flying ants were hovering over the ground.

"Ants?" Clint looked at Ant-Man.

"You betcha." One of the ants flew down to the ground. He carefully patted his head and gently placed Clint on the ant's back. "Ready for takeoff?"

"Yes!" Clint beamed. "Are we rescuing Bucky?"

"Uhhh...." Ant-Man scratched his head. "Let's get more help." With that, Ant-Man jumped on the ant's back, and they took off into the air.

"Woah!!!!" Clint just smiled as the ground he was once on grew smaller and smaller.

"You ever see Toy Story?" Ant-Man asked.

"Yes," Clint replied.

"To Infinity and Beyond!" Ant-Man shouted, pointing to the nearby clouds.

"You're not Buzz Lightyear," Clint laughed.

Ant-Man secretly started to sulk.

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