Chapter 22

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"Here we are," smiled Ant-Man as the ants landed by a big pile of dirt.

"This is an anthill," Clint remarked.

"I know," Ant-Man smirked. "Come on now." He patted the ant Clint was riding, and it started making its way to the entrance. Ant-Man led the way.

"Whoa!" Clint watched in amazement as a bunch of ants went in and out of tunnels.

"Just another tunnel, and we'll be there."


"Where are the Avengers?" shouted Baron Strucker, hitting Bucky in the face.

"I could go leave them a voicemail," Bucky said with a snarky tone.

"Argh! Strange, fix this man up!" Baron Strucker snapped his fingers, and Doctor Strange took his place.

"Strange! Why are you doing this?" Bucky frowned.

"Hail Hydra," Strange replied.

Bucky noticed something on the Doctor's amulet. It looked like a virus. Bucky got an idea.

Also, meanwhile...

"So my brother is...?" began Barney.

"Yeah," Tony interrupted.

Just then... "Incoming call from Scott Lang," said Tony's computer.

"Who?" Tony asked dumbfounded.

"Ant-Man," Steve rolled his eyes. "What's the situation, Lang?"

"Okay, so Bucky is captured, one of your teammates is not nice right now, the kid is crying, and there is a bunch of Hydra agents shooting up my base, so..."

"ETA 10 minutes," Steve sighed.

"Teammate, not right?" Tony frowned confusedly.

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