Chapter 23

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"Strange, snap out of it! Your um, Eye of something something been played with," Bucky shouted.

"The Eye of Agamotto," Baron Strucker smirked. "A beautiful piece, hard to obtain, easy to control, though."

"How?!" Bucky shouted.

"Mr. Stark knows what technology to make, but a fool for putting it in the hands of Hydra."

"Strange, you really had Tony's technology take over. You're more pathetic than I thought."

"Hail Hydra," Strange said.

"Really, that's all you're going to say? I get it. You used the time magic to revert Clint to his younger age. Yet, you used Tony's tech to help you do that."

"What are you doing?" Baron Strucker asked.

"Face it, Strange, a man of magic gets controlled by one of Stark's dumb inventions," Bucky just laughed.

"Mute him!" Baron Strucker shouted.

"Awe, what's the matter? Afraid I'm getting in Strange's head?" Bucky just chuckled more.

"Enough, finish him!"

"Listen to me, Strange, just wanted to say that you are an idiot for getting yourself captured and controlled. I mean, seriously, you of all people, I wouldn't think would even go near Stark's technology," Bucky smirked.

"Shut him up already!" Baron Strucker shouted louder.

Strange blinked and pushed Baron Strucker against a nearby wall. The wall eventually came to life and wrapped itself around Baron Strucker's body.

"Uh, what is this?" Strange pulled off the device from his amulet and looked at Bucky. "They ambushed me. I was aiding a distress call from my hospital I worked at. There, I was obtained, and this device was placed on my amulet. The next thing I knew, I wasn't in control of my body but still conscious in it." Strange threw the device to the ground and stomped on it.

"Yeah, yeah. Can you help me down?" Bucky asked.

Strange snapped his fingers, and Bucky fell to the ground. "Thanks, now let's fix the damage you've done."

"Right this way." Strange made a portal, and the two Avengers were off.

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