Step 2

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After calming down her head that was on verge of bursting with irritation, Kirai finally got inside the Castle. She decided not to hide anymore. If she gets in trouble, all she has to do is use His name.

That's it Alyn Crawford. Oh so many appreciations for making my work easier at least for this once. May God bless you with negativities!

She strolled down the hallway looking for the flower garden with a satisfied smile, but the hallway just kept going on and on to nowhere. Now she was having thoughts like 'if only I had asked him where the garden is...' but then she'd snap herself out of the mindset of drowning in favors, and of all people from Alyn. Noway!

As she took a turn, she witnessed a few ladies dressed in sparkling dresses walk through a door. She could hear faint music from inside so she predicted that this should be the ball for choosing princess elect. Yeah, that was probably it. But instead of giving a peek to the inside, she decided to look for the garden and finish her work. She sighed, and took a step forward only to bump into someone. "Wah..."

Before she could steady herself on her own she felt a gentle hand wrapping around her wrist to pull her up straight. "...I'm sorry for" she looked up to find that the hand belonged to a man with white hair eyes? Why do I have a bad feeling about this? Kirai was at a loss for words because those eyes looked awfully similar to a certain someones. But other than that everything about him screamed noway-im-similar-to-you-know-who so Kirai went with that gladly. Beside him stood another finely dressed man with dark purple hair. Everything about him was composed, and the aura that surrounded him was extremely authoritative. That wasn't a shocker, if you won't find fine men like that in a Castle then where would you?

"That's alright. I hope you're unhurt..." The white haired man spoke in a gentle voice, a curious smile on his lips as he studied her.

Kirai politely gave him a quick nod. "Yes, I'm alright...thanks to you."

"I don't seem to have seen you here before, if you don't mind can I ask your good name?" He was definitely taking her as one of the ladies gathered as princess elect candidates. Kirai quickly shook her head to correct him before he got the wrong idea. "Oh of course you haven't. Its my first time coming here after all, and I'm not here as a princ-"

Before she could complete, everyone's attention was caught by the loud shrieks coming from a nearby room. The two men gave each other a worried glance before hurrying to follow the noises. Of course, Kirai also found this unsettling and followed up behind them.

Stray flames were flying out from the windows and door of a burning room. A panic was settled throughout the place. Maids were gathered around it, some snuggling to each other in fear, and some running to call help. All nobles were told to stay away from the sight for safety measures.

"Is everyone safe?" The purple haired man asked a maid nearby. She spoke in low trembling voice. "I-I guess yes...all of us were out to look-" she was cut there by another shriek from inside. They turned to look in to see a faint figure behind the horrible curtains of fire.

Kirai was there the whole time. Cold sweat covered her from head to toe. A faint similar scene flashed through her mind. A mansion wrapped in a blanket of hot red flames, tangled between them a lone helpless figure...almost too similar to the one right in front of her. The dreadful sight sent a thrill of shock running through her whole body, freezing her to the spot. Her body suddenly felt numb, her eyes focused on nothing but the figure behind the flames. Her ears heard nothing but the cries of that figure. Her pulse quickened heating up her body. Her legs moved on their own and she found herself running towards the burning room.

Gladiolus -ON HOLD- (MidCin Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now