"Hold on!" By Author

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Hey Reader-san! Thank you for dropping by! ヾ(^-^)ノ

I'm going to borrow a bit of your time, and I know I'm going to bore you...but ehum...(if you don't want to read me crying over my sudden lack of imagination then skip to the last paragraph~)

If you're here then it probably means that you've read the last three chapters. I hope you liked them! This fanfiction is kind of a lot meaningful to me. For one, because it's a Midnight Cinderella fanfic and MidCin is my favorite otome game. Two, because in this I've for the very first time tried to go for a physically stronger MC (I'm more of a "vulnerable girl with an over-protecting guy" kind of girl lol). Next and last one is that this is the first book of MidCin series books that I've been planning to write. 

But unfortunately, I have quite much lost my imagination. I've tried many times to stick to my laptop and write down the next chapter but it just won't happen. I still have quite a few drafts that I've read over and over but I just don't feel satisfied with them. 

I know my writing skills are obviously not that great that I keep on hoping for an awesome work out of my mind. Nope! That's not gonna happen any soon. I know my skill level is average (at maximum) and I keep on trying to improve but here I keep feeling something is missing. I don't want to post just anything. I want to put in at least the much effort I can to put out a chapter that at least connects all the story parts that I have in mind. (I hope I don't sound too full of myself...(⋟﹏⋞) I'm actually crying...)

So, okay back to the point now! All I wanted to tell was, I'm putting this story on hold. Certainly, that doesn't mean I'm going to drop this. Again, this book means a lot to me and I'm definitely going to finish it! Every single person who read this means a lot to me. Even if it's just one person who reads this I'd like to thank you for feeling it worth reading and your precious time. Plus, I would like to apologize for taking up too much time in writing. (....how disappointing can I be...*cries*)

Have a good day~

Bai~ Bai~ 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2018 ⏰

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